Laws: Cases and Codes : U.S. Code : TITLE 7. AGRICULTURE

  • United States Code
        • Section 2201. Establishment Of Department
        • Section 2202. Executive Department; Secretary
        • Section 2203. Seal
        • Section 2204. General Duties Of Secretary; Advisory Functions; Research And Development
        • Section 2204a. Rural Development; Utilization Of Non-Federal Offices; Location Of Field Units; Interchange Of Personnel And Facilities
        • Section 2204b. Rural Development Policy
        • Section 2204b-1. Rural Development
        • Section 2204c. Water Management For Rural Areas
        • Section 2204d. Encouragement Of Private Contracting
        • Section 2204e. Office Of Risk Assessment And Cost-Benefit Analysis
        • Section 2204f. Repealed. Pub. L. 107-171, Title Vi, Sec. 6403(A), May 13, 2002, 116 Stat. 429
        • Section 2204g. Authority Of Secretary Of Agriculture To Conduct Census Of Agriculture
        • Section 2205. Duties Of Former Commissioner Of Agriculture Transferred To Secretary
        • Section 2206. Custody Of Property And Records
        • Section 2206a. Conveyance Of Excess Federal Personal Property
        • Section 2207. Reports
        • Section 2207a. Reports To Congress On Obligation And Expenditure
        • Section 2208. Expenditure Of Appropriations; Accounting
        • Section 2209. Additional Statement Of Expenditures
        • Section 2209a. Advances To Chiefs Of Field Parties
        • Section 2209b. Availability Of Appropriations
        • Section 2209c. Use Of Funds For One-Year Contracts To Be Performed In Two Fiscal Years
        • Section 2209d. Statement Of Percentage And Dollar Amount Of Federal Funding
        • Section 2209e. Prohibition On Payments To Parties Involved With Prohibited Drug-Producing Plants
        • Section 2209f. Restriction On Commodity Purchase Program Payments
        • Section 2210. Deputy Secretary Of Agriculture; Appointment
        • Section 2211. Powers And Duties Of Deputy Secretary Of Agriculture
        • Section 2211a. Omitted
        • Section 2211b to 2212c. Repealed. Pub. L. 103-354, Title Ii, Secs. 218(E)(2)-(6), 231(F)(1), Oct. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 3213, 3219
        • Section 2213. Omitted
        • Section 2214. General Counsel; Appointment
        • Section 2215. Chief Clerk
        • Section 2216. Repealed. Pub. L. 92-310, Title Ii, Sec. 221(A), June 6, 1972, 86 Stat. 205
        • Section 2217. Oaths, Affirmations, And Affidavits Taken By Officers, Agents, Or Employees Of Department; Use And Effect
        • Section 2218. Fee For Administering Or Taking Oaths, Affirmations, And Affidavits
        • Section 2219. Salaries; How Paid
        • Section 2219a. Overtime And Holiday Pay
        • Section 2220. Certain Officials And Employees Of Department And Others Not Subject To Restriction On Payment Of Compensation To Government Officials And Employees
        • Section 2221. Details Of Persons From Or To Office Of Secretary
        • Section 2222. Details Of Law Clerks
        • Section 2223. Details Of Employees From And To Library And Bureaus And Offices
        • Section 2224. Details Of Employees From And To Division Of Accounts And Disbursements And Bureaus And Offices; Traveling Expenses
        • Section 2224a. Utilization Of Employees Of Agencies For Part-Time And Intermittent Assistance To Other Agencies; Exclusion Of Overtime Resulting From Natural Disasters From Staff Year Ceilings
        • Section 2225. Employment Of Temporary Personnel
        • Section 2225a. Contracts For Consulting Services
        • Section 2225b. Personal Service Contracts For Veterinarians
        • Section 2225c. Employment Contracts For Services Abroad
        • Section 2226. Employment Of Persons For Forest Fire Fighting, Pest Control, And Handling Of Animals
        • Section 2227. Traveling Expenses
        • Section 2228. Emergency Subsistence For Employees
        • Section 2229. Travel And Per Diem Expenses Of Temporary Or Seasonal Employees
        • Section 2230. Employees In Alaska; Subsistence, Equipment, And Supplies
        • Section 2231. Official Expenses Of Employees Stationed Abroad
        • Section 2231a. Reimbursement Of Employees For Costs Of State Licenses And Certification Fees
        • Section 2231b. First Amendment Rights Of Employees Of The United States Department Of Agriculture
        • Section 2232. Stenographic Reporting Service
        • Section 2233. Funds Available For Expenses Of Advisory Committees
        • Section 2234. Purchases For Bureaus From Appropriations For Contingent Expenses
        • Section 2235. Working Capital Fund Established; Use Of Central Services By Bureaus, Etc., Of The Department
        • Section 2235a. Deposit And Retention Of Credit Card Refunds Or Rebates
        • Section 2236. Working Capital Fund For Agricultural Research Center; Establishment
        • Section 2237. Use Of Field Work Funds For Employment Of Men With Equipment, Etc.
        • Section 2238. Use Of Field Work Funds For Purchase Of Arms And Ammunition
        • Section 2239. Funds For Printing, Binding, And Scientific And Technical Article Reprint Purchases
        • Section 2240. Reimbursement Of Appropriation For Salaries And Compensation Of Employees In Mechanical Shops
        • Section 2241. Sale Or Exchange Of Animals Or Animal Products
        • Section 2242. Repealed. Pub. L. 101-624, Title Xvi, Sec. 1606(B)(1), (2), Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 3715
        • Section 2242a. User Fees For Reports, Publications, And Software
        • Section 2242b. Translation Of Publications Into Foreign Languages
        • Section 2243. Sale Of Photographic Prints And Maps
        • Section 2244. Repealed. Pub. L. 101-624, Title Xvi, Sec. 1606(B)(3), Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 3715
        • Section 2245. Sale Of Prints And Lantern Slides
        • Section 2246. Loan, Rental, Or Sale Of Films
        • Section 2247. Sale Of Samples Of Pure Sugars
        • Section 2248. Statistics Relating To Turpentine And Rosin
        • Section 2249. Amount And Character Of Cooperation
        • Section 2250. Construction And Repair Of Buildings And Public Improvements
        • Section 2250a. Erection Of Buildings And Other Structures On Non-Federal Lands; Duration Of Use Of Such Lands; Removal Of Structures After Termination Of Use; Availability Of Funds For Expenses Of Acquiring Long-Term Leases Or Other Agreements
        • Section 2251. Reimbursement Of Production And Marketing Administration Appropriations For Expenses Of Maintaining Registers Of Indebtedness And Making Set-Offs
        • Section 2252. Reimbursement Of Production And Marketing Administration Appropriations For Costs Of Procuring Agricultural Commodities For Nongovernmental Agencies Or Foreign Governments
        • Section 2253. Adjustment By Secretary Of Titles To Lands Acquired By Government And Subject To His Control
        • Section 2254. Operation, Maintenance And Purchase Of Aircraft By Agricultural Research Service; Construction And Repair Of Buildings
        • Section 2255. Membership In International Wheat Advisory Committee, International Sugar Council, Etc.
        • Section 2255a. Financial Assistance To National And International Conferences
        • Section 2256. Inspections, Analyses, And Tests For Other Government Departments And Agencies; Reimbursement
        • Section 2257. Interchangeability Of Funds For Miscellaneous Expenses And General Expenses
        • Section 2258. Purchase Of Newspapers
        • Section 2259. Market-Inspection Certificates As Prima Facie Evidence
        • Section 2260, 2260a. Repealed. Pub. L. 107-171, Title X, Sec. 10418(A)(3), (4), May 13, 2002, 116 Stat. 507
        • Section 2261. Credit Of Donations And Proceeds From Exhibitions To Appropriations Concerned With Foreign Market Development Programs
        • Section 2262. Employee Liability Insurance On Motor Vehicles In Foreign Countries
        • Section 2262a. Overseas Tort Claims
        • Section 2263. Transfer Of Funds
        • Section 2264. National Agricultural Library; Acceptance Of Gifts, Bequests, Or Devises; Conditional Gifts
        • Section 2265. Deposit Of Money Accepted For Benefit Of National Agricultural Library; Disbursement
        • Section 2266. Congressional Reaffirmation Of Policy To Foster And Encourage Family Farms
        • Section 2267. Repealed. Pub. L. 100-387, Title I, Sec. 101(B)(1), Aug. 11, 1988, 102 Stat. 931
        • Section 2268. Public Lands; Relinquishment
        • Section 2269. Gifts Of Property; Acceptance And Administration By Secretary Of Agriculture; Federal Tax Law Consideration; Separate Fund In Treasury; Regulations
        • Section 2270. Authority Of Office Of Inspector General
        • Section 2270a. Office Of Inspector General; Transfer Of Forfeiture Funds For Law Enforcement Activities
        • Section 2270b. Department Of Agriculture Inspector General Investigation Of Forest Service Firefighter Deaths
        • Section 2270c. Submission Of Results
        • Section 2271. Marketing Education Programs For Small And Medium Size Family Farm Operations
        • Section 2271a. Advanced Marketing Training For Farmers And Ranchers
        • Section 2272. Volunteers For Department Of Agriculture Programs
        • Section 2272a. Funds For Incidental Expenses And Promotional Items Relating To Volunteers
        • Section 2273. Local Search And Rescue Operations
        • Section 2274. Firearm Authority Of Employees Engaged In Animal Quarantine Enforcement
        • Section 2274a. Firearm Authority Of Employees Conducting Field Work In Remote Locations
        • Section 2275. Repealed. Pub. L. 101-624, Title Xv, Sec. 1572(3), Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 3702
        • Section 2276. Confidentiality Of Information
        • Section 2277. Contracts By Animal And Plant Health Inspection Service For Services To Be Performed Abroad
        • Section 2278. Consistency With International Obligations Of United States
        • Section 2279. Outreach And Assistance For Socially Disadvantaged Farmers And Ranchers
        • Section 2279-1. Transparency And Accountability For Socially Disadvantaged Farmers And Ranchers
        • Section 2279a. Fair And Equitable Treatment Of Socially Disadvantaged Producers
        • Section 2279b. Operation Of Graduate School Of Department Of Agriculture As Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality
        • Section 2279c. Student Internship Programs
        • Section 2279d. Compensatory Damages In Claims Under Rehabilitation Act Of 1973
        • Section 2279e. Civil Penalty
        • Section 2279f. Subpoena Authority
        • Section 2279g. Marketing Services; Cooperative Agreements
        • Chapter Notes
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