Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-3: Arkansas Road Condition by Functional System -- Rural


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  1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Interstate (total reported) 391 391 378 393 379 462
Very good 5 0 0 0 0 2
Good 48 52 53 56 56 89
Fair 36 44 44 38 35 72
Mediocre 179 173 169 133 165 166
Poor 123 122 112 166 123 133
Not reported 9 9 18 0 15 3
Other principal arterial (total reported) 349 2,100 2,086 2,194 2,013 2,079
Very good 8 11 9 9 9 9
Good 117 617 630 711 607 644
Fair 197 1,315 1,286 1,306 1,256 1,255
Mediocre 26 144 149 153 123 155
Poor 1 13 12 15 18 16
Not reported 1,841 100 146 36 214 64
Minor arterial (total reported) 2,206 2,865 2,892 2,911 2,999 3,005
Very good 2 0 0 0 0 0
Good 885 694 716 682 705 676
Fair 1,178 1,812 1,807 1,850 1,871 2,188
Mediocre 119 353 351 365 406 133
Poor 22 6 18 14 17 8
Not reported 787 124 70 37 0 16
Major collector (total reported) N N N N N 8,868
Very good N N N N N 0
Good N N N N N 219
Fair N N N N N 4,007
Mediocre N N N N N 3,251
Poor N N N N N 1,391
Not reported N N N N N N

KEY: N = data do not exist.

NOTE: In 2000, the Federal Highway Administration began reporting road condition for rural major collectors using the International Roughness Index, if available. In prior years, data were only available using the Present Serviceability Rating.

NOTE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: Road condition is based on measured pavement roughness using the International Roughness Index (IRI). IRI is a measure of surface condition. A comprehensive measure of pavement condition would require data on other pavement distresses such as rutting, cracking, and faulting.

SOURCE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics, Washington, DC: annual editions, tables HM-63 and HM-64, available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ as of Feb. 1, 2002.