Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 5-3: Oklahoma Truck Characteristics and Use: 1997

(Percent unless otherwise specified)

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Vehicular and operational characteristics All trucks Trucks, excluding pickups, panels, vans, sport utilities, and station wagons
Total, number (thousands) 1,373.5 205.9
Major use 100.0 100.0
Agriculture 10.8 17.6
Forestry and lumbering 0.1 0.8
Mining and quarrying 1.7 4.9
Construction 7.9 9.9
Manufacturing 2.1 3.5
Wholesale and retail trade 6.5 11.9
For-hire transportation 6.0 38.6
Utilities and service 4.7 5.2
Personal transportation 55.3 0.9
Other and not reported 5.0 6.6
Body type 100.0 100.0
Pickup, panel, minivan, and sport utility 85.0 NA
Platform and cattlerack 4.3 28.6
Van 5.8 38.5
Public utility 0.4 2.5
Multistop or stepvans 0.7 4.6
Dump 0.8 5.2
Tank for liquids or dry bulk 0.9 5.7
Other or not reported 2.2 14.9
Vehicle size 100.0 100.0
Light 87.2 14.3
Medium 2.1 13.8
Light-heavy 1.2 8.2
Heavy-heavy 9.5 63.7
Annual miles driven 100.0 100.0
Less than 5,000 21.9 23.9
5,000 to 9,999 14.3 8.1
10,000 to 19,999 35.6 9.5
20,000 to 29,999 12.7 6.9
30,000 or more 15.4 51.6
Year model 100.0 100.0
1 to 2 years old 13.7 21.3
3 to 4 years old 14.6 17.6
Over 4 years old 71.6 61.1
Vehicle acquisition 100.0 100.0
Purchased new 36.2 45.8
Purchased used 59.1 40.9
Leased from someone or not reported 4.7 13.3
Truck type 100.0 100.0
Single-unit trucks 90.3 43.6
2 axles 89.3 36.6
3 axles or more 1.0 7.0
Combination 9.7 56.4
3 axles 0.4 1.5
4 axles 2.3 8.0
5 axles or more 7.0 47.0
Trailer not specified V V
Range of operation 100.0 100.0
Local 64.9 31.5
Short-range 16.7 18.1
Long-range 9.3 38.8
Off-the-road or not reported 9.2 11.5
Fuel type 100.0 100.0
Gasoline 85.8 24.8
Diesel, liquefied gas, and other 13.3 70.7
Not reported 0.8 4.5

KEY: NA = not applicable; V = less than .05 percent.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey, state-specific report, Washington, DC: 1999, available at http://www.census.gov/econ/www/viusmain.html as of Dec. 27, 2001.