"Table 1-8: Civil and Joint-Use Airports, Heliports, STOLports, and Seaplane Bases in Oklahoma: 20021",,,,, Ownership and usage,Airports,Heliports,STOLports,Seaplane bases,Total ,,,,, Publicly owned,124,36,0,0,160 Open to public,124,3,0,0,127 Closed to public,0,33,0,0,33 Privately owned,215,56,1,1,273 Open to public,19,2,0,1,22 Closed to public,196,54,1,0,251 Total,339,92,1,1,433 "1 Data are current as of Jan. 31, 2002.",,,,, KEY: STOLport = Short take-off and landing airport.,,,,, "NOTE: Publicly owned facilities are open for public use with no prior authorization or permission. Publicly owned facilities closed to the public include medical, law enforcement, and other such facilities. ",,,,, ,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Office of Airports, Airport Safety Data Branch.",,,,, ,,,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,,