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Report of the U.S. Delegate, Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables, 23rd Session
The 23rd Session of the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables (CCPFV) was held October 16-21, 2006, in Arlington, Virginia. Participants from 21 member countries, one member organization, and observers from two international organizations attended. Mr. Lloyd Day, Administrator of USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) officially opened the session. He described AMS's role in developing commodity standards and conformity assessment, and also provided encouragement to the CCPFV in its ongoing work.

The 23rd Session of the CCPFV continued work from the 22nd Session (September 2004). Prior to the formal session, on October 14-15, 2006, four pre-scheduled consecutive working groups (WG) met and discussed the following proposed draft standards: Draft Codex Standard for Certain Canned Citrus Fruit; Draft Codex Standard for Certain Canned Vegetables; Draft Codex Standard for Jams, Jellies and Marmalades; and Methods of Analysis applicable to standards under review by the CCPFV. The WG sessions were productive and helpful in advancing the development of draft standards at the plenary sessions.

The CCPFV agreed to forward the following documents to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) for adoption at Step 8 as Codex standards:
  • Draft Standard for Pickled Fruits and Vegetables;
  • Draft Standard for Processed Tomato Concentrates;
  • Draft Standard for Preserved Tomatoes; and
  • Draft Standard for Certain Canned Citrus Fruits.

The CCPFV discussed the Draft Standard for Certain Canned Vegetables (including draft Guidelines on Packing Media for Canned Vegetables) and decided to:
  • Split the draft standard into a "body" section (comprised of the general provisions applicable to all products), and annexes (one for each vegetable addressed);
  • Forward the "body" section of the standard to the CAC for adoption at Step 5;
  • Retain the annexes and draft Guidelines on Packing Media for Canned Vegetables at Step 3 for comment; and
  • Maintain the electronic WG led by France to continue developing this standard. The U.S. again volunteered to be a member of the WG.

The CCPFV forwarded the draft Standard for Jams, Jellies and Marmalades to the CAC for adoption at Step 5.

The CCPFV agreed to circulate the Proposed Layout for Codex Standards for Processed Fruits and Vegetables for comment.

Future Work
  • The Committee agreed to forward France's proposal on Sampling Plans to the Executive Committee for review as new work; and
  • The Committee agreed to leave the Priority List for the Standardization of Processed Fruits and Vegetables unchanged. As part of this decision, the CCPFV agreed to retain the table olives standard as part of the priority list (and not to submit the revision of this standard to the Executive Committee for review as new work).

The CCPFV agreed to submit to the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling for endorsement several methods for determining compliance with the analytical requirements in the draft standards advanced to Step 8. This submittal incorporated recommendations from the Methods of Analysis WG, which was chaired by a member of the U.S. delegation. Also, the CCPFV deleted sampling plan tables from the standards advanced to Step 8.

During the CCPFV's 23rd session, a WG on food additives was formed and chaired by a member of the U.S. delegation. The WG held two meetings during which it reviewed the food additive functional classes and the individual food additives listed in the standards being considered by the Committee. The WG compared the listed food additives with the food additives contained in Tables 1, 2, and 3 of the General Standard on Food Additives (GSFA). The WG recommended that lists of food additives continue to be maintained in the draft standards. It also requested review for possible inclusion in draft standards those food additives contained in the GSFA in the appropriate functional classes in Table 3 and the appropriate food categories in Tables 1 and 2.

The WG's recommendations on four standards being advanced to Step 8 were accepted by the Committee. Due to time constraints, the WG's recommendations for the other standards were not discussed. These will be circulated for comment and addressed at future CCPFV session(s).

The delegations of Australia and the United States expressed concern regarding the removal of certain previously adopted food additives from standards moving to Step 8. These deletions were requested by certain delegation(s) during the WG sessions. Due to time constraints, there was limited opportunity for review and comment prior to the advancement of these deletions to the plenary session of the full Committee. The plenary session considered and accepted the deletions. The U.S. is concerned that food additives (which were previously adopted) were removed with limited opportunity for delegations to consult with experts regarding the impact of the deletions. Moreover, the removal of these food additives may restrict flexibility available to producers and consumers.

The next meeting of the CCPFV is tentatively scheduled to be held in the United States in 2008.

Last Modified: November 9, 2006



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