Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-2: North Carolina Public Road Length, Miles by Ownership: 2000

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  National Highway System Other federal-aid highway Non federal-aid highway Total
Total 3,748 16,862 79,204 99,814
State highway agency 3,745 15,746 58,777 78,268
County 0 0 0 0
Town, township, municipal 2 822 17,652 18,476
Other jurisdiction1 0 0 649 649
Federal agency2 1 294 2,126 2,421

1 Includes state park, state toll, other state agency, other local agency, and roadways not identified by ownership.

2 Roadways in federal parks, forests, and reservations that are not part of the state and local highway systems.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics, Washington, DC: annual editions, table HM-14, available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ohim/hs00/hm14.htm as of Feb. 1, 2002.