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FY05 - FY15 HIF-HIAM Strategic Program Roadmap
Office of Asset Management, Infrastructure
November 9, 2005
Goal Unit Performance Measure Unit Performance Objective Strategies Field/Stakeholder Involvement Funding Needs by Fiscal Year (Thousands of Dollars)
FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15
Focus Area: Pavement Management
Better understanding of management systems as engineering tools for pavements, bridges, tunnels, and roadway hardware. 35 States using pavement management systems (PMS) to support technical, engineering, and/or economic decisionmaking about pavements by 2010. Current Gap: 29 States FY06 Target Gap: 19 States 1. States will use existing and improved PMS technologies as a critical tool for decisionmaking about pavements. Develop new or improve existing management systems for pavements and provide States with a better understanding of PMS technologies as engineering and analytical tools. Resource Center (RC), Division Offices (DO), Design Guide Implementation Team (DGIT) 288 413 353 213
2. Federal programs will incorporate PMS information into decisionmaking processes. Participate in policymaking studies supporting use of information from PMS programs. HPL, HIPT 375 155 50 0
3. Improved tools for measuring pavement information will be available. Research, develop, and demonstrate state-of-the-art devices for data collection and analysis of pavements. RC, DO 275 300 350 100
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 938 868 753 313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annual Targets 6 16 22 27 31 35
Focus Area: Bridge Management
Better understanding of management systems as engineering tools for pavements, bridges, tunnels, and roadway hardware. 35 States will use the Pontis®bridge management system (BMS) for element level analysis and evaluation by 2010. Current Gap: 29 States FY06 Target Gap: 19 States 1. State departments of transportation (DOTs) will have a better understanding of BMS programs and have confidence in using them. Develop new or improve existing management systems for bridges and provide States with a better understanding of BMS technologies as engineering and analytical tools. RC, Office of Bridge Technology (HIBT), Office of Policy and Governmental Affairs (HPL), Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC), American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 195 220 195 190
2. States will use proven preservation techniques on their bridges. Develop and deliver training and guidance on bridge preservation. Research tools for nondestructive evaluation on a network basis. RC, HIBT, TFHRC 50 220 50 50
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 245 440 245 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annual Target Milestone 6 16 21 26 31 35
Focus Area: Tunnel Management
Better understanding of management systems as engineering tools for pavements, bridges, tunnels, and roadway hardware. 20 States using information from tunnel management systems (TMS) for decisionmaking about tunnels by 2010. Current Gap: 18 States FY06 Target Gap: 14 States 1. Tunnel owners and operators will have a better understanding of a TMS and have confidence in using it. Demonstrate usefulness of TMS programs. HIBT, RC, DO 110 150 10
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 110 150 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annual Target Milestone 2 6 10 14 18 20
Focus Area: Asset Management for Roadway Safety (Hardware Management)
Better understanding of management systems as engineering tools for pavements, bridges, tunnels, and roadway hardware. 35 States using information from roadway safety hardware management systems for decisionmaking about roadway hardware by 2010. Current Gap: 35 States FY06 Target Gap: 30 States 1. State DOTs will have a better understanding of these management systems and have confidence in using them. National Performance Objective MP6-- Accelerate the adoption of innovation and new technology in construction to significantly improve safety and quality and reduce congestion. Demonstrate importance and value of systems for evaluating and managing safety hardware on highways. Office of Safety (HSA), TFHRC, RC, DO 50 60
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 50 60
Annual Target Milestone 0 5 13 21 28 35
Focus Area: Transportation System Quality and Performance
Improved transportation system quality and long-term performance through the deployment of construction and preservation innovations. 1. 20 States using pilot performance-related specifications (PRS) by 2009. (IN & FL) Current Gap: 18 States FY06 Target Gap: 14 States

2. Increase user satisfaction with the Nation's highway systems to 80 percent by 2009 using a survey that is conducted every 3 years.Current Gap: 15 percentFY06 Target Gap: 5 percent
1. 1. Institutionalize strong partnerships for quality improvement through the National Partnership for Highway Quality National Performance Objective MP4--Provide longer-lasting highway infrastructure through improved research, design, and quality of construction; system preservation; and size and weight enforcement. Develop and deliver programs and tools that will enhance the quality and long-term performance of the highway system. HFL (Federal Lands), DO, RC, AASHTO, Industry 315 655 410 725
2. Regularly identify customer satisfaction with the quality of the Nation's highways. Monitor the level of customer satisfaction with the nation's highways DO 20 0 0 0
3. Implement quality management concepts for improving transportation system quality and performance. National Performance Objective MP4-Effectively use asset management principles to manage and allocate resources to improve transportation system performance. Develop national policy and provide resources for quality management. RC, DO, AASHTO, Industry 150 105 140 320
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 485 760 550 1045 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annual Target Milestone (PRS) 2 6 12 17 20
Annual Target Milestone (User Satisfaction) 65% 75% 77% 79% 80%
Focus Area: Construction and System Preservation
Improved transportation system quality and long-term performance through the deployment of construction and preservation innovations. Achieve/maintain 90 percent or more of FHWA's field engineers participating in construction program management training by 2005. Current Gap: 0 percent FY06 Target:

Maintain 90 percent with all States participating in the Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TCCC) by 2005. Current Gap: 1 State FY06 Target Gap: 0 States
FHWA field engineers and State construction and system preservation engineers will use program management principles in day-to-day operations. National Performance Objective MP4--Provide longer lasting highway infrastructure through improved research, design, and quality of construction, system preservation, and size and weight enforcement. Enhance and conduct training courses for FHWA and State engineers in construction program management. DO, RC, National Highway Institute (NHI) 360 320 570 380
States will use innovative methods for construction and system preservation National Performance Objective MP4--Provide longer lasting highway infrastructure thru improved research, design, and quality of construction, system preservation, and size and weight enforcement. Identify, develop, and deploy innovations in construction preservation practices and procedures. AASHTO and member States, Industry, DO, RC, NHI 175 475 360 275
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 535 795 930 655 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annual Target Milestone (Field Engineer Training) 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Annual Target Milestone (TCCC Participation) 52 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53
Focus Area: Meeting Customer Needs
Full embracement by stakeholders and partners, and improved response by FHWA to customer needs. 40 States will be using accelerated construction principles for highway projects by 2008. Current Gap: 24 States FY06 Target Gap: 19 States FHWA and its partners will better meet the needs of highway customers. Provide focused outreach and technical support based on customer needs. AASHTO and member States, NHI, Industry, FHWA Divisions 660 1,160 885 785
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 660 1,160 885 785 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annual Target Milestone 16 21 30 40
Focus Area: Engineering Economic Analysis (EEA)
Agencies using EEA software and tools for evaluating investment alternatives. Twenty-five States will be using a comprehensive application of an EEA tool for evaluating investment alternatives by FY09. Current Gap: 14 States FY06 Target Gap: 8 States Improve the decisionmaking paradigm to optimize return on investment. Develop, deliver, and promote EEA software and tools for evaluating investment alternatives. RC, DO, NHI, HPL 1260 620 1450 1450
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 1260 620 1450 1450 0
Annual Target Milestone 11 17 23 25
Focus Area: Data Integration for Asset Management
States successfully integrating or linking their asset management databases and using integrated data for decisionmaking. 25 States have integrated asset management databases and use them in making investment decisions by 2009. Current Gap: 20 States FY06 Target Gap: 12 States Help agencies integrate their databases to allow comprehensive asset management analysis and decisionmaking. Help States successfully integrate and link their asset management databases and use them for decisionmaking RC, DO, AASHTO, Transportation Research Board (TRB), and other industry organizations. 85 155 710 570
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 85 155 710 570 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annual Target Milestone 5 13 17 21 25
Focus Area: Asset Management Training and Support
State and Local agencies using asset management principles and products for decisionmaking. Thirty-five States are making significant progress in using available tools to advance comprehensive asset management by 2009. Current Gap: 33 States FY06 Target Gap: 28 States Provide training and support to practitioners in adopting asset management principles and tools for decisionmaking. National Performance Objective MP3--Effectively use the asset management principles to manage and allocate resources to improve transportation system performance. Increase training and support to practitioners in adopting asset management principles and tools for decisionmaking. AASHTO, TRB, States, RC, DO. 100 50 100 100 100
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 100 50 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annual Target Milestone 2 7 25 30 35
Focus Area: Asset Management Outreach and Implementation
States and local agencies using asset management principles and products for decisionmaking. 17 States successfully implementing asset management and/or overcoming barriers to asset management implementation by 2009. Current Gap: 17 States FY06 Target Gap: 7 States Provide information and educational materials and help agencies implement and deploy asset management tools and principles. Performance Objective MP3--Effectively use the asset management principles to manage and allocate resources to improve transportation system performance. Market information/educational materials and help agencies implement/deploy asset management tools and principles. RC, DO 370 190 120 20
Create an integrated asset management team within FHWA. RC, Division offices 20 20
Total Funding Needs ($1000) 390 190 140 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Annual Target Milestone 0 10 12 15 17
Total by Team ($1000)
System Management/Monitoring 1,343 1,518 1,008 553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Construction/System Preservation 1,680 2,715 2,365 2,485 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Economic Evaluation & Investment 1,345 775 2,160 2,020 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Asset Management General 490 240 240 120 100 0 0 0 0 0 0
GRAND TOTAL 4,858 5,248 5,773 5,178 100 0 0 0 0 0 0

This page last modified on 04/23/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration