Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Table 3-15: Incoming Train Crossings, U.S.-Canadian Border: 2000-2005

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State 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Alaska 326 316 279 264 253 301
Idaho 699 703 845 934 1,000 1,130
Maine 1,428 1,303 1,082 1,132 1,478 1,287
Michigan 9,757 10,312 9,669 10,237 9,679 10,349
Minnesota 9,162 9,693 9,737 10,452 9,454 8,849
Montana 471 358 339 367 413 382
New York 5,725 5,139 5,192 4,713 9,129 4,771
North Dakota 1,728 1,764 1,980 2,182 2,090 2,169
Vermont 1,119 1,034 908 987 884 802
Washington 3,032 2,955 2,791 2,869 3,134 2,767
United States, total 33,447 33,577 32,543 33,873 37,514 32,807

KEY FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: NA = not applicable.

SOURCE FOR DATA ON THIS PAGE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Border Crossing/Entry data, available at http://www.bts.gov/itt/ as of Sept. 12, 2006.