Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-4: Road Condition: 2005


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State Very Good Good Fair Mediocre Poor Not Reported
Alabama 1,174 9,066 11,151 1,873 595 0
Alaska 117 690 1,898 389 328 327
Arizona 4,797 2,700 3,653 732 333 572
Arkansas 531 4,908 10,118 4,055 1,255 25
California 1,399 9,284 22,295 11,276 9,632 76
Colorado 1,844 5,860 6,890 1,420 498 14
Connecticut 1,796 728 2,736 621 260 0
Delaware 50 581 639 166 98 2
District of Columbia 260 57 21 18 96 0
Florida 6,879 11,662 6,399 510 266 47
Georgia 15,983 9,699 4,600 50 250 0
Hawaii 24 152 1,030 231 114 0
Idaho 400 3,171 2,421 2,734 511 80
Illinois 8,786 7,461 12,071 4,169 1,972 1
Indiana 3,167 7,303 7,696 2,452 1,579 6
Iowa 2,354 6,629 11,390 2,560 1,298 145
Kansas 1,828 10,318 4,086 3,499 4,018 314
Kentucky 776 3,946 8,483 517 84 2
Louisiana 699 4,023 5,187 1,831 1,465 168
Maine 322 1,812 2,636 802 757 0
Maryland 241 1,799 2,687 1,267 1,244 41
Massachusetts 324 1,325 5,696 2,830 908 24
Michigan 6,673 5,447 13,146 4,202 3,177 617
Minnesota 3,712 10,339 14,193 1,126 1,745 0
Mississippi 1,942 4,639 10,316 2,685 1,439 0
Missouri 601 7,175 16,670 4,075 1,639 39
Montana 1,328 6,404 3,929 459 298 6
Nebraska 3,517 4,151 5,542 1,228 849 533
Nevada 2,426 1,505 1,681 297 192 61
New Hampshire 412 1,233 1,337 217 209 0
New Jersey 248 490 4,351 2,162 2,914 114
New Mexico 2,210 2,206 3,142 2,446 1,018 56
New York1 1,990 9,932 9,323 2,133 2,485 209
North Carolina 3,164 6,959 8,774 1,553 1,216 37
North Dakota 1,941 4,657 5,810 1,179 161 0
Ohio 5,560 10,330 10,346 2,251 377 0
Oklahoma 2,370 5,805 10,918 3,413 4,585 33
Oregon 3,363 5,584 6,899 759 182 18
Pennsylvania 843 5,568 14,410 3,915 3,339 26
Rhode Island 194 303 727 334 187 0
South Carolina 554 7,153 10,082 1,565 1,565 0
South Dakota 2,012 3,422 6,269 1,866 998 306
Tennessee 5,075 6,128 5,228 575 491 0
Texas 4,125 19,783 44,665 7,176 2,140 104
Utah 705 2,397 4,346 289 115 13
Vermont 242 946 1,700 480 495 0
Virginia 2,896 5,824 10,581 1,212 681 54
Washington 3,982 5,009 7,784 1,231 796 35
West Virginia 197 2,622 5,002 1,533 939 0
Wisconsin 2,838 6,954 13,137 2,243 3,003 291
Wyoming 1,231 3,175 2,840 284 64 20
United States, total 120,102 259,314 386,931 96,890 64,860 4,416
U.S. total (incl. Puerto Rico) 120,590 259,853 388,109 97,496 65,430 4,521

1 2004 data.

NOTE: Road condition ratings are derived from the International Roughness Index (IRI) and the Present Serviceability Rating (PSR). States are required to report to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) IRI data for the Interstate system, other principal arterials, rural minor arterials, and the National Highway System regardless of functional system. The IRI is also recommended by FHWA for measuring all other functional classifications because the IRI uses a more standardized and objective measurement methodology. However, where PSR is still in use, the mileage for the PSR and IRI are combined for purposes of this table. Pavement rating data are not reported for local or rural minor collector functional systems.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 2005, Washington, DC: 2006, tables HM-63 and HM-64.