Table 2-17: Recreational Boating Accidents: 2005,,,,,, State,Number of accidents,,,,Number of persons, ,Total,Fatal,Nonfatal injury,Property damage,Killed,Injured Alabama,69,15,32,22,16,51 Alaska,54,14,14,26,20,27 Arizona,194,5,124,65,5,157 Arkansas,68,12,29,27,13,50 California,630,55,303,272,58,423 Colorado,45,10,27,8,11,28 Connecticut,49,5,19,25,5,24 Delaware,18,1,4,13,1,4 District of Columbia,1,0,0,1,0,0 Florida,603,67,278,258,78,351 Georgia,111,13,63,35,16,75 Hawaii,10,5,0,5,5,0 Idaho,54,5,34,15,6,48 Illinois,101,16,57,28,16,91 Indiana,41,3,22,16,4,25 Iowa,53,8,32,13,9,46 Kansas,24,4,13,7,4,16 Kentucky,58,14,34,10,20,46 Louisiana,126,33,60,33,35,98 Maine,46,13,21,12,16,27 Maryland,183,14,96,73,15,125 Massachusetts,45,8,21,16,9,34 Michigan,161,26,90,45,28,121 Minnesota,114,21,62,31,24,85 Mississippi,23,6,13,4,6,20 Missouri,202,22,100,80,24,134 Montana,12,5,4,3,7,6 Nebraska,28,2,19,7,2,24 Nevada,93,5,51,37,5,71 New Hampshire,45,1,35,9,1,38 New Jersey,100,4,47,49,4,50 New Mexico,31,5,20,6,5,25 New York,190,15,96,79,15,138 North Carolina,164,16,95,53,17,126 North Dakota,9,0,5,4,0,9 Ohio,132,11,72,49,12,102 Oklahoma,62,10,35,17,13,56 Oregon,51,14,9,28,15,14 Pennsylvania,61,9,35,17,12,50 Rhode Island,38,0,8,30,0,14 South Carolina,83,12,54,17,13,71 South Dakota,18,2,10,6,2,12 Tennessee,114,10,81,23,10,101 Texas,144,30,71,43,32,91 Utah,79,9,48,22,9,56 Vermont,2,0,0,2,0,0 Virginia,127,12,66,49,14,88 Washington,128,24,52,52,25,82 West Virginia,14,6,5,3,6,12 Wisconsin,127,17,63,47,20,91 Wyoming,10,2,7,1,3,11 U.S. total (excluding territories),"4,953",622,"2,536","1,795",693,"3,444" U.S. total (including territories)1,"4,969",626,"2,542","1,801",697,"3,451" "1 Includes accidents in Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, and those occurring offshore.",,,,,, "NOTES: An accident is listed under one category only, with fatal being the highest priority, followed by nonfatal injury, followed by property damage. For example, if two vessels are in an accident resulting in a fatality and a nonfatal injury, the accident is counted as a fatal accident involving two vessels.",,,,,, "Data in this table do not include: 1) accidents involving only slight injury not requiring medical treatment beyond first-aid; 2) accidents involving property damage of less than $2,000; 3) accidents not caused or contributed to by a vessel, its equipment, or its appendages; 4) accidents where a person died or was injured from natural causes while aboard a vessel; 5) accidents in which the boat was used solely as a platform for other activities, such as swimming or skin diving. Such cases are not included because the victims freely left the safety of a boat. However, the data do include accidents involving people in the water who are struck by their boat or another boat; and 6) accidents involving damage, injury, or death on a docked or moored boat resulting from storms, unusual tidal, sea, or swell conditions, or when a vessel got underway in those conditions in an attempt to rescue persons put in peril.",,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard, Boating Statistics, 2005, Washington, DC: 2006, available at as of Oct. 6, 2006.",,,,,,