Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Bird Checklists of the United States

Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge

small state map showing location

Hobe Sound, Florida

Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge is located on the southeast coast of Florida in Martin County. It comprises 967 acres of which 735 consist of coastal sand dune and mangrove swamp while the remaining 232 acres is a sand pine-scrub oak community.

Hobe Sound NWR was established in 1969 primarily to benefit and protect endangered marine turtles along its 3.5 mile beach. Although few birds nest on the refuge, the relatively undisturbed beach and sand pine-scrub oak community is extremely valuable for thousands of migrating birds.

This checklist includes 183 species of birds and is based on observations by refuge personnel and local bird authorities. If you should find unlisted species, please let us know at Refuge Headquarters, (561) 546-6141. We will appreciate your help in updating our records.

Ethics for Birdwatching
Take care not to disturb nesting birds, exposing eggs and young to extreme temperatures and predation.

Disturb wintering wildlife as little as possible, particularly during critical feeding and resting periods. They need all of their energy reserves to withstand the stresses of harsh weather and migration.

Do not litter. Many birds die when they become entangled in fishing lines, 6-pack rings and other trash, or when they mistake garbage for food.

How to Use Your Checklist
The bird checklist was designed to be informative and simple to use. The list is arranged in the order established by the American Ornithological Union. Symbols which appear in this checklist represent the following:

Seasonal Abundance
Sp - Spring - March to May
S - Summer - June to August
F - Fall - September to November
W - Winter - December to February

Seasonal Abundance
a - abundant: a common species which is very numerous
c - common: certain to be seen in suitable habitat
u - uncommon: present but not certain to be seen
o - occasional: seen only a few times a season
r - rare: seen at intervals of 2 to 5 years

LOONS AND GREBES Sp S F W ___ Common Loon - - o u ___ Horned Grebe - - - u ___ Pied-billed Grebe u u u c
PELICANS AND ALLIES Sp S F W ___ Northern Gannet - - o o ___ American White Pelican - - o u ___ Brown Pelican c c c c ___ Double-crested Cormorant u u u u ___ Anhinga u u u u ___ Magnificent Frigatebird o u - -
HERONS, EGRETS AND ALLIES Sp S F W ___ American Bittern - - o o ___ Least Bittern o o o o ___ Great Blue Heron u u u u ___ Great Egret u u u u ___ Snowy Egret c c u u ___ Little Blue Heron u u u u ___ Tricolored Heron c c u u ___ Reddish Heron - - - r ___ Cattle Egret u u u u ___ Green Heron u u u u ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron o o o o ___ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron u c c u
IBISES, SPOONBILL, STORK Sp S F W ___ White Ibis c c a c ___ Glossy Ibis - - o o ___ Roseate Spoonbill - - - r ___ Wood Stork u u u u
VULTURES Sp S F W ___ Black Vulture u u c c ___ Turkey Vulture c u a a
WATERFOWL Sp S F W ___ Wood Duck u - u u ___ Green-winged Teal - - - o ___ American Black Duck - - - r ___ Mottled Duck - - o o ___ Mallard - - - o ___ Northern Pintail - - - o ___ Blue-winged Teal o - u u ___ Northern Shoveler - - - r ___ Gadwall - - - r ___ American Wigeon - - - o ___ Canvasback - - - r ___ Redhead - - - r ___ Ring-necked Duck - - - o ___ Lesser Scaup - - - o ___ Hooded Merganser - - - o ___ Red-breasted Merganser - - - u ___ Ruddy Duck - - - r
HAWKS AND ALLIES Sp S F W ___ Osprey u u c c ___ Swallow-tailed Kite o o - - ___ Bald Eagle u o u u ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk - - o o ___ Cooper's Hawk - - o o ___ Red-shouldered Hawk u u u u ___ Broad-winged Hawk - - o o ___ Red-tailed Hawk u u u u ___ American Kestrel u - c c ___ Merlin - - - o ___ Peregrine Falcon - - o o
QUAILS Sp S F W ___ Northern Bobwhite u u u u
RAILS AND ALLIES Sp S F W ___ Clapper Rail u u u u ___ Common Moorhen o o o o ___ American Coot - - - o
SHOREBIRDS Sp S F W ___ Black-bellied Plover u - u c ___ Wilson's Plover c c c u ___ Semipalmated Plover c - c c ___ Piping Plover u - u u ___ Killdeer u u u u ___ American Oystercatcher - - - o ___ Greater Yellowlegs u - u u ___ Lesser Yellowlegs u - u u ___ Willet c u c c ___ Spotted Sandpiper u - u u ___ Marbled Godwit - - - r ___ Ruddy Turnstone u - u u ___ Red Knot - - - r ___ Sanderling c - c c ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper u - u u ___ Western Sandpiper - - o u ___ Least Sandpiper u - u c ___ Dunlin u - u c ___ Short-billed Dowitcher u - u c ___ Long-billed Dowitcher u - u u ___ Common Snipe - - - o
GULLS AND TERNS Sp S F W ___ Laughing Gull u u u u ___ Bonaparte's Gull u - u u ___ Ring-billed Gull - - - o ___ Herring Gull u - u u ___ Great Black-backed Gull - - - o ___ Gull-billed Tern - o - - ___ Caspian Tern u - u c ___ Royal Tern u u u u ___ Sandwich Tern u - u u ___ Common Tern u - u u ___ Forster's Tern o - o u ___ Least Tern a c c - ___ Black Tern - - - o ___ Black Skimmer u u u u
PIGEONS, DOVES Sp S F W ___ Rock Dove o o o o ___ Mourning Dove a a a a ___ Common Ground-Dove a a a a
CUCKOOS Sp S F W ___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo o o - - ___ Mangrove Cuckoo r - - -
OWLS Sp S F W ___ Eastern Screech-Owl u u u u ___ Great Horned Owl o o o o ___ Barred Owl o o o o
GOATSUCKERS Sp S F W ___ Common Nighthawk u u u - ___ Chuck-will's-widow u u u u ___ Whip-poor-will u - u u
SWIFTS Sp S F W ___ Chimney Swift o o o o
HUMMINGBIRDS Sp S F W ___ Ruby-throated Hummingbird u u u u
KINGFISHERS Sp S F W ___ Belted Kingfisher c u c c
WOODPECKERS Sp S F W ___ Red-headed Woodpecker u u u u ___ Red-bellied Woodpecker u u u u ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker o - o u ___ Downy Woodpecker o - o o ___ Hairy Woodpecker o o o o ___ Northern Flicker u u u u ___ Pileated Woodpecker u u u u
FLYCATCHERS Sp S F W ___ Eastern Wood-Pewee u - u o ___ Eastern Phoebe u - u o ___ Great Crested Flycatcher u u u u ___ Eastern Kingbird u u u - ___ Gray Kingbird o u o -
SWALLOWS Sp S F W ___ Purple Martin o o o - ___ Tree Swallow u - u u
JAYS AND CROWS Sp S F W ___ Blue Jay c c c c ___ Florida Scrub Jay u u u u ___ American Crow u u u u ___ Fish Crow a a a a
CREEPERS AND WRENS Sp S F W ___ Brown Creeper - - - r ___ Carolina Wren c c c c ___ House Wren u - u c
KINGLETS AND GNATCATCHERS Sp S F W ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet u - u u ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher u - u c
THRUSHES AND ROBINS Sp S F W ___ Hermit Thrush u - u u ___ American Robin u - u c
MIMIC THRASHERS Sp S F W ___ Gray Catbird u - u c ___ Northern Mockingbird c c c c ___ Brown Thrasher c c c c
WAXWINGS Sp S F W ___ Cedar Waxwing o - o u
SHRIKES Sp S F W ___ Loggerhead Shrike u u u u
STARLINGS Sp S F W ___ European Starling u u u u
VIREOS Sp S F W ___ White-eyed Vireo u u u u ___ Solitary Vireo u - u u ___ Red-eyed Vireo o - o r ___ Black-whiskered Vireo o o o -
WARBLERS Sp S F W ___ Orange-crowned Warbler u - u u ___ Northern Parula u u u u ___ Yellow Warbler o - o o ___ Cape May Warbler o - o o ___ Black-throated Blue Warbler o - o o ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler u - u c ___ Yellow-throated Warbler u o u u ___ Pine Warbler u u u u ___ Prairie Warbler u u o o ___ Palm Warbler o - o u ___ Blackpoll Warbler o - o - ___ Black-and-white Warbler u - u c ___ American Redstart o - o o ___ Prothonotary Warbler o - o - ___ Ovenbird u - u u ___ Common Yellowthroat u u u u ___ Hooded Warbler o - o - ___ Yellow-breasted Chat o - o -
CARDINALS AND ALLIES Sp S F W ___ Northern Cardinal u u u u ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak o - o - ___ Indigo Bunting o - o o ___ Painted Bunting o - o o
SPARROWS AND ALLIES Sp S F W ___ Eastern Towhee u u u u ___ Chipping Sparrow o - o u ___ Field Sparrow - - - o ___ Savannah Sparrow o - o u ___ Grasshopper Sparrow o - o o ___ Sharp-tailed Sparrow - - - r
BLACKBIRDS AND ALLIES Sp S F W ___ Bobolink o - o - ___ Red-winged Blackbird u u u u ___ Eastern Meadowlark o o o o ___ Rusty Blackbird - - - o ___ Boat-tailed Grackle u u u u ___ Common Grackle u u u u ___ Orchard Oriole o - o - ___ Spot-breasted Oriole o o o o ___ Baltimore Oriole o - o o
FINCHES Sp S F W ___ Pine Siskin - - - r ___ American Goldfinch o - o u
OLD WORLD SPARROWS Sp S F W ___ House Sparrow o o o o
These additional seven species are of accidental occurrence, in most cases substantiated by only one or two records.
Brown Booby                
Scarlet Ibis 
Fulvous Whistling Duck
Canary-winged Parakeet
Smooth-billed Ani
Carolina Chickadee
Blackburnian Warbler

Sighting Notes
Date:________________________________ Time:________________ To:________________


No. Species:___________________________________________________________________


Route or area:_________________________________________________________________







For additional information contact:
                      Refuge Manager
                      Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge
                      P.O. Box 645
                      Hobe Sound, Florida 33475-0645

This resource is based on the following source:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1997.  Birds of Hobe Sound National Wildlife 
     Refuge.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Unpaginated.
This resource should be cited as:
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1997.  Birds of Hobe Sound National Wildlife 
     Refuge.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Unpaginated.  Jamestown, ND: 
     Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 22MAY98).

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