Bird Checklists of the United States

A Guide to the Birds of Lincoln County

small state map showing location


Explanation of symbols used in this checklist:

Column A = Abundance

L = locally abundant
A = abundant
C = common
O = occasional
U = uncommon
R = rare
I = introduced

Column O = Seasonal Occurrence

M = migrant
R = resident
SR = summer resident
WR = winter resident
WM = winter migrant

Column N = The * under column N indicates the species nests in Lincoln County.

Column L = Locations in Lincoln County where each species has been or can reasonably be expected to be seen. For rare species the date of a sighting is included in this column.

LOONS                                  A     O     N      LOCATION

___ Common Loon                        R     M     -      Keller Ferry

GREBES AND PELICAN A O N LOCATION ___ Red-necked Grebe R M - FDR Reservoir ___ Horned Grebe U M * Audubon Lake ___ Eared Grebe U M * Audubon Lake ___ Western Grebe U M - FDR Reservoir ___ Pied-billed Grebe C SR * Cattail marshes ___ White Pelican - - - Sprague Lake
HERONS A O N LOCATION ___ Great Blue Heron C SR * Any stream (at least one rookery at upper end Twin Lake) ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron R SR * Sprague Lake & upper end Twin Lake ___ American Bittern U SR * Sprague, Mondovi Cattail marshes
SWANS A O N LOCATION ___ Tundra Swan O M - Audubon Lake ___ Trumpeter Swan I - - A colony at Turnbull NWR, Spokane Co.
GEESE A O N LOCATION ___ Honker (western) Canada Goose C SR * Duck Lake ___ Lesser Canada Goose C WR - Coffee Pot Lake ___ Cackling Canada Goose O WR - Coffee Pot Lake ___ White-fronted Goose U M - Creston potholes ___ Snow Goose U M - Creston potholes ___ Ross Goose R M - Creston potholes
DUCKS A O N LOCATION ___ Mallard A SR * Central Lincoln Co. potholes ___ Gadwall U SR * Central Lincoln Co. potholes ___ Northern Pintail C M * Central Lincoln Co. potholes ___ Green-winged Teal C SR * Central Lincoln Co. potholes ___ Blue-winged Teal C SR * Central Lincoln Co. potholes ___ Cinnamon Teal C SR * Central Lincoln Co. potholes ___ American Widgeon C SR * Central Lincoln Co. potholes ___ European Widgeon R M - Audubon Lake ___ Northern Shoveler C SR * Central potholes ___ Wood Duck U M - Sprague Lake ___ Redhead C SR * Central potholes ___ Ring-necked Duck U SR - Central potholes ___ Canvasback U SR - Central potholes ___ Lesser Scaup C M - Sprague Lake ___ Common Goldeneye C M - Spokane River ___ Barrow's Goldeneye C WM - FDR Reservoir ___ Bufflehead C M * Central potholes ___ White-winged Scoter R M - FDR Reservoir ___ Ruddy Duck C SR * Audubon Lake ___ Hooded Merganser U M - Sprague Lake ___ Common Merganser U SR * FDR Reservoir ___ Red-breasted Merganser R WM - FDR Reservoir
RAPTORS A O N LOCATION ___ Turkey Vulture U M - Sprague area ___ Northern Goshawk U WM - - ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk C M - Riparian winter habitat ___ Cooper's Hawk U R - Timbered area ___ Red-tailed Hawk C SR * Entire county ___ Swainson's Hawk O SR * Western part of county ___ Rough-legged Hawk C WR - South Creston ___ Ferruginous Hawk R SR * Sylvan Lake area ___ Golden Eagle U SR * Nests along FDR where Hwy. 231 crosses ___ Bald Eagle U WR - Spokane River ___ Northern Harrier C SR,WR * Any grassland habitat ___ Osprey O SR * Two nests located on Spokane R. below Long Lake dam ___ Gyrfalcon R WM - Open country ___ Prairie Falcon R SR * Crab Creek east of Odessa ___ Peregrine Falcon R WM - S.E. Creston Rd. & along Seven Spring Rd. (between Creston & Rocklyn) ___ Merlin U WM - Open areas ___ American Kestrel (sparrow hawk) C SR * Grasslands
GALLINACEOUS BIRDS A O N LOCATION ___ Blue Grouse U R * Lilienthal Mtn. & northern breaks ___ Ruffed Grouse U R * Riparian shrub area ___ Columbian sharptailed Grouse L R * Telford area ___ Sage Grouse L R * Creston area ___ Valley Quail U I * Riparian habitat ___ Ring-necked Pheasant C I * Govan, Almira ___ Chukar Partridge U I * Crab Creek near Lamona, Marlin ___ Gray Partridge C I * Stubble fields and sage lands ___ Wild Turkey R I * Indian Creek
CRANES A O N LOCATION ___ Sandhill Crane O M - Spring and fall staging -- Rock Cr. so. of Edwall
RAILS A O N LOCATION ___ Virginia Rail O SR * Audubon Lake ___ Sora U SR * Cattail marshes ___ Coot (American) C SR * Audubon Lake
PLOVERS AND SANDPIPERS A O N LOCATION ___ Killdeer C SR * Bluestem Creek ___ Semipalmated Plover O M - - ___ American golden Plover R M - - ___ Black-bellied Plover R M - - ___ Wilson's Snipe C SR * Bluestem Creek ___ Ruddy Turnstone H - - One seen Audubon Lk., Aug. 1960 ___ Long-billed Curlew L SR * East and so. of Sprague ___ Spotted Sandpiper C SR * Most ponds and streams ___ Solitary Sandpiper R M - - ___ Greater Yellowlegs C M - Audubon Lake ___ Lesser Yellowlegs C M - Audubon Lake ___ Willet H - - Seen at Audubon Lk. Aug. 60 & 71 ___ Red Knot H - - Seen in 73 & 78 ___ Sanderling H - - Seen at Audubon Lk. in 1958 ___ Least Sandpiper C M - Audubon Lake ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper R M - Swanson's Lake ___ Western Sandpiper C M - Audubon Lake ___ White-rumped Sandpiper H - - Reardan 1962 ___ Pectoral Sandpiper R M - - ___ Long-billed Dowitcher U M - - ___ Buff-breasted Sandpiper H - - Seen at Reardan, Audubon Lk, 1962 ___ Marbled Godwit R M - - ___ American Avocet L SR * Swanson Lakes ___ Black-necked Stilt H - - Reardan 1962
PHALAROPES AND JAGGERS A O N LOCATION ___ Red Phalarope H - - Reardan 1962 ___ Wilson's Phalarope C SR * Potholes near Sprague ___ Northern Red-necked Phalarope U M - - ___ Long-tailed Jaeger H - - Reardan 1957
GULLS AND TERNS A O N LOCATION ___ Herring Gull R M - - ___ California Gull R - - Visitor ___ Ring-billed Gull C SR * Sprague Lake ___ Franklin's Gull R M - Reardan 1960 ___ Bonaparte's Gull R M - Sprague Lake ___ Forster's Tern R - - Visitor ___ Black Tern - - * Central potholes
DOVES A O N LOCATION ___ Rock Dove C R * Many barns ___ Mourning Dove C SR * All over county
OWLS A O N LOCATION ___ Western Screech Owl U R * Young have been seen in Davenport & on Indian Cr. ___ Great-horned Owl C R * Telford, Irby ___ Snowy Owl O WM - Mondovi ___ Pygmy Owl O - - Visitor ___ Burrowing Owl L SR * Nests in Davenport area ___ Long-eared Owl U SR * Nests in WDG habitat plots near Davenport ___ Short-eared Owl - - - This mobile specie will concentrate nesting in areas of high rodent population ___ Saw-whet Owl H - - Timbered areas
GOATSUCKERS A O N LOCATION ___ Common Nighthawk C SR * Sagebrush areas ___ Poor-will U M - -
SWIFTS A O N LOCATION ___ Vaux's Swift O M - - ___ White-throated Swift U M - -
HUMMINGBIRDS A O N LOCATION ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird R SR - Timbered areas ___ Rufous Hummingbird C M - - ___ Calliope Hummingbird C SR - Harte Road
KINGFISHERS A O N LOCATION ___ Belted Kingfisher C SR * Hawk Creek
WOODPECKERS A O N LOCATION ___ Common Flicker A R * - ___ Pileated Woodpecker R - - - ___ Lewis' Woodpecke L SR * Telford, Mill Cr. ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker R - - - ___ Hairy Woodpecker U SR * - ___ Downy Woodpecker U R * - ___ White-headed Woodpecker H - - Lilienthal Mtn. ___ Black-backed, 3-toed Woodpecker H - - Lilienthal Mtn. ___ Northern, 3-toed Woodpecker H - - Lilienthal Mtn.
FLYCATCHERS AND LARKS A O N LOCATION ___ Eastern Kingbird C SR * Sprague Lake ___ Western Kingbird C SR * Sprague Lake ___ Ash-throated H - * Crab Cr. near Odessa ___ Trail's Flycatcher - SR - - ___ Dusky Flycatcher - - - - ___ Western Flycatcher - - * - ___ Say's Phoebe U SR - Hawk Creek ___ Western Wood-Pewee - - * - ___ Horned Lark C R * Wheatfields
SWALLOWS A O N LOCATION ___ Violet-green Swallow C M * - ___ Tree Swallow - SR - - ___ Tree Swallow U M - - ___ Bank Swallow L SR - - ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow C M,SR - * ___ Barn Swallow C SR * - ___ Cliff Swallow C SR * -
JAYS A O N LOCATION ___ Stellar's Jay L R * Indian Creek ___ Black-billed Magpie C R * Hawk Creek ___ Common Raven C R - Creston ___ Crow U M - - ___ Clark's Nutcracker O R * Lilienthal
CHICKADEES A O N LOCATION ___ Black-capped Chickadee L WR - - ___ Mountain Chickadee R M - - ___ Chesnut-backed Chickadee R M - -
NUTHATCHES, CREEPERS, AND DIPPERS A O N LOCATION ___ White-breasted Nut - - - Expanding range ___ Red-breasted C R * Woods ___ Pygmy Nuthatch C R * P. pine forests ___ Brown Creeper U R * Forests ___ Dipper L WR - Hawk Creek Falls
WRENS AND MIMIDS A O N LOCATION ___ House Wren L R * Cottonwood Creek ___ Winter Wren - - - Riparian habitat ___ Marsh Wren L SR * Cattail marshes ___ Canyon Wren L SR * Sprague-Rocky Canyon ___ Rock Wren L SR - Twin Lakes talus ___ GreyCatbird R V - Riparian habitat ___ Sage Thrasher L SR * Seven-Springs area * sagebrush habitat
THRUSHES A O N LOCATION ___ American Robin C M,SR * Common ___ Varied Thrush U WM - Creek bottoms ___ Hermit Thrush H - - Migrant ___ Swainson's Thrush R SR - Lilienthal Mtn. ___ Western Bluebird C M - Millcreek ___ Mountain Bluebird C SR - Mondovi ___ Townsend's Solitaire R M - Crab Creek
KINGLETS, WAXWINGS, AND SHRIKES A O N LOCATION ___ Golden-crowned Kinglet U WM - Brush areas ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet U WM - Brushy habitat ___ American Pipit U M - Open flats ___ Bohemian Waxwing C W - Davenport ___ Cedar Waxwing U M - - ___ Northern Shrike C WR - Creston ___ Loggerhead Shrike C SR - Creston
STARLINGS A O N LOCATION ___ European Starling C M,R * Everywhere
VIREOS A O N LOCATION ___ Solitary Vireo C M - Hawk Creek ___ Red-eyed Vireo U M - Lakes & marshes ___ Warbling Vireo U M - Wooded areas
WOOD WARBLERS A O N LOCATION ___ Orange-crowned Warbler U M - Timbered areas ___ Nashville Warbler U M - - ___ Yellow Warbler C M,SR * Crab Creek ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler C M - Wooded areas ___ Townsend's Warbler U M - Timbered areas ___ McGillivray's Warblerv U M - Deciduous thickets ___ Common yellow-throat L SR - Brushy areas near water ___ Yellow-breasted Chat L SR * Riparian habitat ___ Wilson's Warbler - - - Willow thickets
WEAVER FINCHES A O N LOCATION ___ House Sparrow C R * Towns, grain elevators
BLACKBIRDS AND TANAGERS A O N LOCATION ___ Bobolink R M - Grasslands ___ Western Meadowlark C R * Most grasslands ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird L SR * Audubon Lake ___ Red-winged Blackbird A R * Hawk Creek ___ Northern Oriole U SR * Indian Creek ___ Brewer's Blackbird A SR * Reardan ___ Brown-headed Cowbird L SR * Agricultural areas ___ Western Tanager L SR * Timbered areas
FRINGILLIDAE A O N LOCATION ___ Black-headed Grosbeak L M - Timbered areas ___ Lazuli Bunting L SR * Brushy areas ___ Evening Grosbeak L WR - - ___ Cassin's Finch L SR * Conifer timbered areas ___ House Finch C SR * Nests near towns ___ Rosy Finch U WM - Often seen in winter flocks in cattle feed lots ___ Common Redpoll U WM - Northern part ___ Pine Siskin R M - Timbered areas ___ American Goldfinch C SR * Lower elevations ___ Red Crossbill ? - - North part county - timbered areas ___ White-winged Crossbill ? - - Timbered areas ___ Rufous-sided Towhee U SR * Indian Creek ___ Savannah Sparrow C M,SR * Grasslands & sagebrush ___ Grasshopper Sparrow L SR * Open range country ___ Vesper Sparrow L SR * Grasslands ___ Lark Sparrow L SR,M * Open range during migration ___ Sage Sparrow (Wash. records limited to giant sagebrush) L SR,M * Sagebrush flats ___ Dark-eyed Junco C WM - Riparian brushy areas ___ American Tree Sparrow R WM - Brushy areas ___ Chipping Sparrow C SR,M * Open woods ___ Clay-colored Sparrow R M - Hypothetical ___ Brewer's Sparrow L SR * Sagebrush habitat ___ White-crowned Sparrow C M - Sagebrush habitat ___ Golden-crowned Sparrow R M - Brushy areas ___ White-throated Sparrow R M - Fall migrant ___ Fox Sparrow U M - Deciduous thickets ___ Lincoln's Sparrow R M - - ___ Swamp Sparrow H - - - ___ Song Sparrow C R * Brushy habitat near water ___ Lapland Longspur R WM - -

This checklist was compiled by Jerry Hickman. Planning and editing by Jack Adkins.

References to abundance, seasonal occurrence and location for viewing the birds mentioned on this checklist are from Hickman's field work in the county, reports from wildlife agents, biologists, and other Department of Game personnel and the following publications:

Larrison and Sonnenberg, 1968. Washington Birds, Seattle Audubon Society.

Hudson and Yocum, 1954. A distribution list of birds of Southeastern Washington. Washington State University, Pullman XXII: #1

Weber and Larrison, 1977. Birds of Southeastern Washington. University of Idaho Press, Moscow, 83843.

For additional information contact:
   Department of Fish and Wildlife
   8702 N. Division Street
   Spokane, WA 99218

This resource is based on the following source:
Hickman, Jerry, and Jack Adkins.  No date.  A Guide to the Birds of Lincoln
     County.  State of Washington, Department of Game.  Unpaginated.
This resource should be cited as
Hickman, Jerry, and Jack Adkins.  No date.  A Guide to the Birds of Lincoln
     County.  State of Washington, Department of Game.  Unpaginated.
     Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 11AUG98)

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