U.S. Census Bureau

Census Product Catalog

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Census 2000 Special Tabulation: County of Residence by County of Work by Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Industrial Code Structure by Mean Earnings (STP 86)

NOTE: Special tabulations are generally sponsored by other public and private organizations. They are not standard Census Bureau data products.

Availability: CD-ROM containing special tabulation of Census 2000 data from the long form in ASCII.

Product ID: C1-D00-TABS-01-STP86 | Released March 2004

Format: ASCII. Readme file.

Subject content: Detailed file showing number of workers, along with their BEA industry of employment (11 industry categories) and their mean earnings in 1999. Provides county of residence by county of work totals for county-to-county worker flows that are based on three or more (unweighted) long-form records. Flows comprised of less than three observations are not shown in the file. Similarly, mean earnings estimates are only shown when based on data for three or more workers.

Geography: Counties

Census contact: Customer Services (orders), 301-763-INFO (4636); Population Division. Journey-to-Work Staff (content), 301-763-2454.

Orders must be placed by calling the Customer Services Center at 301-763-INFO (4636).— customers should be sure they understand this product before they buy.

Source: US Census Bureau | Customer Liaison & Marketing Services | Customer Services Center