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Welcome from the Administrator


Welcome to the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Corporate Research and Technology (R&T) Web site. This site advances the Agency's role as Innovators for a Better Future. While FHWA has long provided an abundance of R&T information through a network of sites that corresponded to each program office, there has not been a "one-stop shop" Web site that satisfied the broad needs of FHWA's stakeholders desiring a corporate message. This site is the umbrella portal for stakeholders--from highway professionals to the concerned traveling public, to anyone who wants to see a composite picture of FHWA's R&T activities.

The R&T Portfolio provides a topical approach to finding ongoing research being conducted by FHWA. Use the site to identify partnership opportunities and coordinate with federally sponsored R&T activities through FHWA's multiyear Roadmaps and review the 24 Priority, Market-Ready Technologies and Innovations that provide benefits ranging from reduced construction costs to fewer fatalities from median crossovers.

The goal of this Web site is to provide an integrated and comprehensive picture consistent with FHWA's commitment in the Corporate Master Plan for Research and Deployment of Technology & Innovation (FHWA-RD-03-077) to effectively communicate the FHWA R&T program and projects. FHWA welcomes your feedback. For your convenience, FHWA has provided an online comment box located at the lower right-hand side of the FHWA R&T home page.

Dennis Judycki
Associate Administrator for Research, Development, and Technology
and Director of Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
Federal Highway Administration

This page last modified on 05/21/08


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