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Research and Technology Leadership Team Charter


November 13, 2003

  1. Purpose: This charter identifies the roles, functions, and membership of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Research and Technology (R&T) Leadership Team. The R&T Leadership Team was formally recognized in the April 30, 2003 FHWA Corporate Master Plan for Research and Deployment of Technology & Innovation (Corporate Master Plan, FHWA-RD-03-077), specifically as part of Guiding Principle #1: The FHWA R&T process, from research through implementation, is systematic and begins with the end in mind.
  2. Scope: The R&T Leadership Team is responsible and accountable for the FHWA agencywide business and decisions relating to R&T.
  3. Objective: The R&T Leadership Team's roles and functions consist primarily of implementing the Corporate Master Plan.
  4. Sponsor: FHWA's Office of the Administrator is the overall sponsor of the R&T Leadership Team.
  5. Membership: The R&T Leadership Team consists of the Associate Administrators for Planning, Environment, and Realty; Federal Lands; Infrastructure; Operations; Policy; Professional Development; Safety; and Research, Development, and Technology; the Directors of Field Services; a Resource Center Manager, and a member of the Division Administrators' Council. The Associate Administrator for Research, Development, and Technology facilitates the R&T Leadership Team as part of the responsibility to champion and coordinate corporate R&T at FHWA.
  6. Decisionmaking: The primary decisionmaking method will be by consensus. If consensus cannot be reached, the R&T Leadership Team will use a two-thirds majority vote with provisions for documented nonconcurrence. Each member will have one vote.
  7. Related Groups: As implied above in 2. Scope, the R&T Leadership Team acts on behalf of the FHWA Leadership Team on R&T matters. As such, the R&T Leadership Team will seek appropriate input and provide feedback to the FHWA Leadership Team. Specific examples include coordination with the Office of Administration on funding; and the Office of Corporate Management on performance planning and measurement. The R&T Leadership Team will work closely with the National Resource Center Board of Directors (NRCBoD) to assure coordination with the National Resource Center; and with the Field Advisory Group for R&T deployment; in developing the overall FHWA R&T agenda and priorities; in deploying technologies and innovations; and in developing and providing technical expertise and assistance that supports FHWA's mission and strategic plan, including the "vital few." The R&T Leadership Team will represent FHWA while working with the Transportation Research Board's Research and Technology Coordinating Committee to continuously identify and consider opportunities for improving FHWA's federal role in R&T. The R&T Network will support the R&T Leadership Team, as envisioned in the first guiding principle in the Corporate Master Plan, and with roles, functions, and membership as contained in the FHWA R&T Network's charter.
  8. Effective Dates: This charter shall be effective immediately and will remain in effect indefinitely.

This page last modified on 02/12/08


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