FALL 2004 PAGE 1
pic National Weather Service Amarillo, Texas
Serving the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles

The Dryline

"Kid's Weather Hour" is a Big Hit With Kids


The National Weather Service (NWS) in Amarillo has developed a program where meteorologist interact with local students using the internet and NOAA Weather Radio (NWR)!! The program runs every Friday while school is in session from 9 am - 10 am. Teachers register their class in advance. Students submit weather related questions via the web directly to the National Weather Service Office. NWS Meteorologist answer their questions over NOAA Weather Radio during a live broadcast. The school, teacher and each individual student is recognized.

We began a “Kids Weather Hour” pilot program last Spring. Both teachers and students who participated gave the program high marks! Ms. Rydberg’s Highland Park participated in the pilot program last year and were the first to participate this year. While most of those participating are elementary classes, students who wish to participate may be of any age...including home schooled kids.

The program is limited to only those counties that currently have NWR coverage, which is those that surround Amarillo. These counties include Potter, Randall, Oldham, Moore, Hutchinson, Carson, and Armstrong.

We urge local schools and teachers to participate. Each class that participates will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a weather radio and a rain gauge. Each student that submits a question will be entered into a drawing to receive a neat prize such as a TV or DVD player. Drawings will take place at the end of the school year. We encourage parents, family and friends to listen in.

For more information or to register...please check out “Kids Weather Hour” found on our website at http://www.srh.noaa.gov/ama , call our office at 335-1121, or email Steve Drillette at steve.drillette@noaa.gov .

In this Issue of the Dryline

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