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U S Department of Health and Human Services www.hhs.govOffice of Public Health and Science - The Federal Source for Women's Health Information Sponsored by the H H S Office on Women's Health
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Child Care Provider Checklist

Here is a list of important information to measure the quality of a child care provider or center.

Name of Child Care Provider:

Phone Number:


Date(s) Visited:

The Caregivers/Teachers:

Are children greeted when they arrive?
Are children's needs met quickly even when things get busy?
Do the caregivers/teachers have training in CPR, first aid, and early childhood education?
Are the caregivers/teachers involved in continuing education programs for themselves?
Will the caregivers/teachers always be available to answer your questions and deal with your concerns?
Are parent's ideas welcomed? Are there ways for you to get involved?

The Setting:

Is the atmosphere bright and pleasant?
Is there a fenced-in outdoor play area with a variety of safe equipment? Can the caregivers/teachers see the entire playground at all times?
Are there different areas for resting, quiet play, and active play? Is there enough space for the children in all of these areas?

The Activities:

Is there a daily balance of play/activity time, story time, and rest time?
Are the activities right for each age group?
Are there enough toys and learning materials for the number of children?
Are toys clean, safe, and within reach of the children?

In General:

Do you agree with the discipline practices?
Do you hear the sounds of happy children?
Are children comforted when needed?
Is the program licensed or regulated?
Are surprise visits by parents encouraged?
Will your child be happy there?

Current as of March 2007

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