Table 3-3: Shipments Originating in Kansas by Mode of Transportation: 1997 ,,,,,, ,Value ,,Short tons ,,Ton-miles , ,"Number ($ millions)",Percent,"Number (thousands)",Percent,Number (millions),Percent All modes,"76,502",100.0," 141,428 ",100.0," 47,055 ",100.0 Single modes,"68,057",89.0," 138,630 ",98.0," 44,999 ",95.6 Truck,"56,609",74.0," 96,241 ",68.0," 18,229 ",38.7 For-hire,"35,426",46.3," 53,041 ",37.5," 15,261 ",32.4 Private truck,"20,611",26.9," 41,629 ",29.4," 2,625 ",5.6 Rail,"5,762",7.5," 35,431 ",25.1," 25,292 ",53.7 Water,S,S, S ,S, S ,S Shallow draft,S,S, S ,S, S ,S Great Lakes,Z,Z, Z ,Z, Z ,Z Deep draft,Z,Z, Z ,Z, Z ,Z Air (including truck and air),"3,881",5.1, 25 ,Z, 33 ,Z Pipeline,"1,742",2.3," 6,411 ",4.5, S ,S Multiple modes,"6,562",8.6," 1,354 ",1.0," 1,637 ",3.5 "Parcel, U.S. Postal Service, or courier service","5,957",7.8, 234 ,0.2, 142 ,0.3 Truck and rail intermodal combination,582,0.8, 945 ,0.7," 1,082 ",2.3 Truck and water,S,S, S ,S, S ,S Rail and water,Z,Z, Z ,Z, Z ,Z Other multiple modes,Z,Z, Z ,Z, Z ,Z Other and unknown modes,"1,883",2.5," 1,443 ",1.0, 419 ,0.9 KEY: S = data do not meet publication standards because of high sampling variability or other reasons; Z = zero or less than 1 unit of measure. ,,,,,, "NOTE: The Commodity Flow Survey covers business establishments in mining, manufacturing, wholesale trade, and selected retail industries. The survey also covers selected auxiliary establishments (e.g., warehouses) of in-scope multiunit and retail companies. The survey excludes establishments classified as farms, forestry, fisheries, governments, construction, transportation, foreign establishments, services, and most establishments in retail. Due to industry-wide reporting problems, shipments by oil and gas extraction establishments are also excluded. ",,,,,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 1997 Commodity Flow Survey, Washington, DC: 1999, available at as of Nov. 2, 2001.",,,,,,