Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Bird Checklists of the United States

Manomet Observatory for Conservation Sciences

Birds of Massachusetts

small state map showing location


This check-list contains all 455 bird species that have been reliably reported in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts through April 1996. Compilation was greatly assisted by the First Report of the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (Bird Observer, June 1994), Birds of Massachusetts by R. Veit and W. Petersen (1993), and the 1983 Massachusetts Bird List by B. Blodget. Names and sequence follow the American Ornithologists' Union Check-List of North American Birds (6th ed., 1983), as amended by supplements published through March 1996. Casual or accidental species are indicated with an asterisk (*). Currently established, introduced species are indicated with an " I". Extinct species, and those that have been extirpated from Massachusetts, are indicated with an "E".

Proceeds from sale of this field list support long-term research on bird populations and conservation. Information on bulk purchases may be obtained from: Manomet Observatory, P.O. Box 1770, Manomet, MA 02345.

A    Locality_____________________________________________________________________
     Observer(s) _________________________________________________________________
     Date _________________________________________Time __________________________
     Totals: Species ________________________Individuals _________________________
     Remarks _____________________________________________________________________

B Locality_____________________________________________________________________ Observer(s) _________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________Time __________________________ Totals: Species ________________________Individuals _________________________ Remarks _____________________________________________________________________

C Locality_____________________________________________________________________ Observer(s) _________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________Time __________________________ Totals: Species ________________________Individuals _________________________ Remarks _____________________________________________________________________

D Locality_____________________________________________________________________ Observer(s) _________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________Time __________________________ Totals: Species ________________________Individuals _________________________ Remarks _____________________________________________________________________

E Locality_____________________________________________________________________ Observer(s) _________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________Time __________________________ Totals: Species ________________________Individuals _________________________ Remarks _____________________________________________________________________

LOONS                                  A     B     C     D     E

___ Red-throated Loon                 ___________________________
___ Common Loon                       ___________________________

GREBES A B C D E ___ Pied-billed Grebe ___________________________ ___ Horned Grebe ___________________________ ___ Red-necked Grebe ___________________________ ___ Eared Grebe * ___________________________ ___ Western Grebe * ___________________________
ALBATROSSES A B C D E ___ Black-browed Albatross * ___________________________ ___ Yellow-nosed Albatross * ___________________________
SHEARWATERS & PETRELS A B C D E ___ Northern Fulmar ___________________________ ___ Black-capped Petrel * ___________________________ ___ Cory's Shearwater ___________________________ ___ Greater Shearwater ___________________________ ___ Sooty Shearwater ___________________________ ___ Manx Shearwater ___________________________ ___ Audubon's Shearwater ___________________________
STORM-PETRELS A B C D E ___ Wilson's Storm-Petrel ___________________________ ___ White-faced Storm-Petrel * ___________________________ ___ Leach's Storm-Petrel ___________________________ ___ Band-rumped Storm-Petrel * ___________________________
TROPICBIRDS A B C D E ___ White-tailed Tropicbird * ___________________________ ___ Red-billed Tropicbird * ___________________________
BOOBIES & GANNETS A B C D E ___ Brown Booby * ___________________________ ___ Northern Gannet ___________________________
PELICANS A B C D E ___ American White Pelican * ___________________________ ___ Brown Pelican * ___________________________
CORMORANTS A B C D E ___ Great Cormorant ___________________________ ___ Double-crested Cormorant ___________________________
DARTERS A B C D E ___ Anhinga * ___________________________
FRIGATEBIRDS A B C D E ___ Magnificent Frigatebird * ___________________________
BITTERNS & HERONS A B C D E ___ American Bittern ___________________________ ___ Least Bittern ___________________________ ___ Great Blue Heron ___________________________ ___ Great Egret ___________________________ ___ Little Egret * ___________________________ ___ Snowy Egret ___________________________ ___ Western Reef-Heron * ___________________________ ___ Little Blue Heron ___________________________ ___ Tricolored Heron ___________________________ ___ Reddish Egret * ___________________________ ___ Cattle Egret ___________________________ ___ Green Heron ___________________________ ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron ___________________________ ___ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron ___________________________
IBISES A B C D E ___ White Ibis * ___________________________ ___ Glossy Ibis ___________________________ ___ White-faced Ibis * ___________________________
STORKS A B C D E ___ Wood Stork * ___________________________
SWANS, GEESE, & DUCKS A B C D E ___ Fulvous Whistling-Duck * ___________________________ ___ Tundra Swan ___________________________ ___ Mute Swan (I) ___________________________ ___ Greater White-fronted Goose * ___________________________ ___ Snow Goose ___________________________ ___ Brant ___________________________ ___ Canada Goose ___________________________ ___ Wood Duck ___________________________ ___ Green-winged Teal ___________________________ ___ American Black Duck ___________________________ ___ Mallard ___________________________ ___ Northern Pintail ___________________________ ___ Blue-winged Teal ___________________________ ___ Northern Shoveler ___________________________ ___ Gadwall ___________________________ ___ Eurasian Wigeon I ___________________________ ___ American Wigeon ___________________________ ___ Canvasback ___________________________ ___ Redhead ___________________________ ___ Ring-necked Duck ___________________________ ___ Tufted Duck * ___________________________ ___ Greater Scaup I ___________________________ ___ Lesser Scaup ___________________________ ___ Common Eider ___________________________ ___ King Eider ___________________________ ___ Labrador Duck (E) ___________________________ ___ Harlequin Duck ___________________________ ___ Oldsquaw ___________________________ ___ Black Scoter ___________________________ ___ Surf Scoter ___________________________ ___ White-winged Scoter ___________________________ ___ Common Goldeneye ___________________________ ___ Barrow's Goldeneye I ___________________________ ___ Bufflehead ___________________________ ___ Hooded Merganser ___________________________ ___ Common Merganser ___________________________ ___ Red-breasted Merganser ___________________________ ___ Ruddy Duck ___________________________ ___ Masked Duck * ___________________________
AMERICAN VULTURES A B C D E ___ Black Vulture * ___________________________ ___ Turkey Vulture ___________________________
KITES, EAGLES, HAWKS & HARRIERS A B C D E ___ Osprey ___________________________ ___ Swallow-tailed Kite * ___________________________ ___ White-tailed Kite * ___________________________ ___ Mississippi Kite * ___________________________ ___ Bald Eagle ___________________________ ___ White-tailed Eagle * ___________________________ ___ Northern Harrier ___________________________ ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk ___________________________ ___ Cooper's Hawk ___________________________ ___ Northern Goshawk ___________________________ ___ Red-shouldered Hawk ___________________________ ___ Broad-winged Hawk ___________________________ ___ Swainson's Hawk * ___________________________ ___ Red-tailed Hawk ___________________________ ___ Rough-legged Hawk ___________________________ ___ Golden Eagle ___________________________
FALCONS A B C D E ___ Eurasian Kestrel * ___________________________ ___ American Kestrel ___________________________ ___ Merlin ___________________________ ___ Peregrine Falcon ___________________________ ___ Gyrfalcon * ___________________________
GROUSE, TURKEYS & QUAIL A B C D E ___ Ring-necked Pheasant (I) ___________________________ ___ Ruffed Grouse ___________________________ ___ Greater Prairie-Chicken (E) ___________________________ ___ Wild Turkey (E-I) ___________________________ ___ Northern Bobwhite ___________________________
RAILS, GALLINULES & COOTS A B C D E ___ Yellow Rail * ___________________________ ___ Black Rail * ___________________________ ___ Clapper Rail ___________________________ ___ King Rail ___________________________ ___ Virginia Rail ___________________________ ___ Sora ___________________________ ___ Purple Gallinule ___________________________ ___ Common Moorhen ___________________________ ___ American Coot ___________________________
CRANES A B C D E ___ Sandhill Crane * ___________________________
PLOVERS A B C D E ___ Black-bellied Plover ___________________________ ___ American Golden-Plover ___________________________ ___ Snowy Plover * ___________________________ ___ Wilson's Plover * ___________________________ ___ Common Ringed Plover * ___________________________ ___ Semipalmated Plover ___________________________ ___ Piping Plover ___________________________ ___ Killdeer ___________________________ ___ Mountain Plover * ___________________________
OYSTERCATCHERS A B C D E ___ American Oystercatcher ___________________________
STILTS & AVOCETS A B C D E ___ Black-necked Stilt * ___________________________ ___ American Avocet ___________________________
SANDPIPERS & PHALAROPES A B C D E ___ Greater Yellowlegs ___________________________ ___ Lesser Yellowlegs ___________________________ ___ Spotted Redshank * ___________________________ ___ Solitary Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Willet ___________________________ ___ Wandering Tattler * ___________________________ ___ Spotted Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Terek Sandpiper * ___________________________ ___ Upland Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Eskimo Curlew ___________________________ ___ Whimbrel ___________________________ ___ Eurasian Curlew * ___________________________ ___ Long-billed Curlew * ___________________________ ___ Black-tailed Godwit * ___________________________ ___ Hudsonian Godwit ___________________________ ___ Bar-tailed Godwit * ___________________________ ___ Marbled Godwit ___________________________ ___ Ruddy Turnstone ___________________________ ___ Red Knot ___________________________ ___ Sanderling ___________________________ ___ Semipalmated Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Western Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Red-necked Stint * ___________________________ ___ Little Stint * ___________________________ ___ Least Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ White-rumped Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Baird's Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Pectoral Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Purple Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Dunlin ___________________________ ___ Curlew Sandpiper * ___________________________ ___ Stilt Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Buff-breasted Sandpiper ___________________________ ___ Ruff ___________________________ ___ Short-billed Dowitcher ___________________________ ___ Long-billed Dowitcher ___________________________ ___ Common Snipe ___________________________ ___ American Woodcock ___________________________ ___ Wilson's Phalarope ___________________________ ___ Red-necked Phalarope ___________________________ ___ Red Phalarope ___________________________
SKUAS, GULLS, TERNS. SMMERS A B C D E ___ Pomarine Jaeger ___________________________ ___ Parastic Jaeger ___________________________ ___ Long-tailed Jaeger * ___________________________ ___ Great Skua * ___________________________ ___ South Polar Skua * ___________________________ ___ Laughing Gull ___________________________ ___ Franklin's Gull * ___________________________ ___ Little Gull ___________________________ ___ Black-headed Gull ___________________________ ___ Bonaparte's Gull ___________________________ ___ Mew Gull * ___________________________ ___ Ring-billed Gull ___________________________ ___ California Gull * ___________________________ ___ Herring Gull ___________________________ ___ Iceland Gull ___________________________ ___ Lesser Black-backed Gull ___________________________ ___ Glaucous Gull ___________________________ ___ Great Black-backed Gull ___________________________ ___ Black-legged Kittiwake ___________________________ ___ Ross' Gull * ___________________________ ___ Sabine's Gull ___________________________ ___ Ivory Gull * ___________________________ ___ Gull-billed Tern * ___________________________ ___ Caspian Tern ___________________________ ___ Royal Tern ___________________________ ___ Sandwich Tern ___________________________ ___ Roseate Tern ___________________________ ___ Common Tern ___________________________ ___ Arctic Tern ___________________________ ___ Forster's Tern ___________________________ ___ Least Tern ___________________________ ___ Bridled Tern * ___________________________ ___ Sooty Tern * ___________________________ ___ White-winged Tern * ___________________________ ___ Black Tern ___________________________ ___ Brown Noddy * ___________________________ ___ Black Skimmer ___________________________
AUKS, MURRES & PUFFINS A B C D E ___ Dovekie ___________________________ ___ Common Murre ___________________________ ___ Thick-billed Murre ___________________________ ___ Razorbill ___________________________ ___ Great Auk (E) ___________________________ ___ Black Guillemot ___________________________ ___ Marbled Murrelet * ___________________________ ___ Ancient Murrelet * ___________________________ ___ Atlantic Puffin ___________________________
PIGEONS & DOVES A B C D E ___ Rock Dove (I) ___________________________ ___ White-winged Dove * ___________________________ ___ Mourning Dove ___________________________ ___ Passenger Pigeon (E) ___________________________ ___ Common Ground-Dove * ___________________________
CUCKOOS ___ Common Cuckoo * ___________________________ ___ Black-billed Cuckoo ___________________________ ___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo ___________________________
BARN OWLS A B C D E ___ Barn Owl ___________________________
TYPICAL OWLS A B C D E ___ Eastern Screech-Owl ___________________________ ___ Great Horned Owl ___________________________ ___ Snowy Owl ___________________________ ___ Northern Hawk Owl * ___________________________ ___ Burrowing Owl * ___________________________ ___ Barred Owl ___________________________ ___ Great Gray Owl * ___________________________ ___ Long-eared Owl ___________________________ ___ Short-eared Owl ___________________________ ___ Boreal Owl * ___________________________ ___ Northern Saw-whet Owl ___________________________
GOATSUCKERS A B C D E ___ Common Nighthawk ___________________________ ___ Chuck-will's-widow ___________________________ ___ Whip-poor-will ___________________________
SWIFTS A B C D E ___ Chimney Swift ___________________________
HUMMINGBIRDS A B C D E ___ Ruby-throated Hummingbird ___________________________ ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird * ___________________________ ___ Rufous Hummingbird * ___________________________ ___ Allen's Humminabird * ___________________________
KINGFISHERS A B C D E ___ Belted Kingfisher ___________________________
WOODPECKERS A B C D E ___ Lewis' Woodpecker * ___________________________ ___ Red-headed Woodpecker ___________________________ ___ Red-bellied Woodpecker ___________________________ ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ___________________________ ___ Downy Woodpecker ___________________________ ___ Hairy Woodpecker ___________________________ ___ Three-toed Woodpecker * ___________________________ ___ Black-backed Woodpecker * ___________________________ ___ Northern Flicker ___________________________ ___ Pileated Woodpecker ___________________________
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS A B C D E ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher ___________________________ ___ Western Wood-Pewee * ___________________________ ___ Eastern Wood-Pewee ___________________________ ___ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher ___________________________ ___ Acadian Flycatcher ___________________________ ___ Alder Flycatcher ___________________________ ___ Willow Flycatcher ___________________________ ___ Least Flycatcher ___________________________ ___ Hammond's Flycatcher * ___________________________ ___ Gray Flycatcher * ___________________________ ___ Eastern Phoebe ___________________________ ___ Say's Phoebe * ___________________________ ___ Vermilion Flycatcher ___________________________ ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher * ___________________________ ___ Great Crested Flycatcher ___________________________ ___ Cassin's Kingbird * ___________________________ ___ Western Kingbird ___________________________ ___ Eastern Kingbird ___________________________ ___ Gray Kingbird * ___________________________ ___ Scissor-tailed Flycatcher * ___________________________ ___ Fork-tailed Flycatcher * ___________________________
LARKS A B C D E ___ Horned Lark ___________________________
SWALLOWS A B C D E ___ Purple Martin ___________________________ ___ Brown-chested Martin * ___________________________ ___ Tree Swallow ___________________________ ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow ___________________________ ___ Bank Swallow ___________________________ ___ Cliff Swallow ___________________________ ___ Barn Swallow ___________________________
JAYS & CROWS A B C D E ___ Gray Jay * ___________________________ ___ Blue Jay ___________________________ ___ Eurasian Jackdaw * ___________________________ ___ American Crow ___________________________ ___ Fish Crow ___________________________ ___ Common Raven ___________________________
CHICKADEES & TITMICE A B C D E ___ Black-capped Chickadee ___________________________ ___ Boreal Chickadee * ___________________________ ___ Tufted Titmouse ___________________________
NUTHATCHES A B C D E ___ Red-breasted Nuthatch ___________________________ ___ White-breasted Nuthatch ___________________________
CREEPERS A B C D E ___ Brown Creeper ___________________________
WRENS A B C D E ___ Rock Wren * ___________________________ ___ Carolina Wren ___________________________ ___ Bewick's Wren * ___________________________ ___ House Wren ___________________________ ___ Winter Wren ___________________________ ___ Sedge Wren * ___________________________ ___ Marsh Wren ___________________________
OLD WORLD WARBLERS & THRUSHES A B C D E ___ Golden-crowned Kinglet ___________________________ ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet ___________________________ ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ___________________________ ___ Northern Wheatear * ___________________________ ___ Eastern Bluebird ___________________________ ___ Mountain Bluebird * ___________________________ ___ Townsend's Solitaire * ___________________________ ___ Veery ___________________________ ___ Gray-cheeked Thrush ___________________________ ___ Bicknell's Thrush * ___________________________ ___ Swainson's Thrush ___________________________ ___ Hermit Thrush ___________________________ ___ Wood Thrush ___________________________ ___ Fieldfare * ___________________________ ___ American Robin ___________________________ ___ Varied Thrush * ___________________________
MOCKINGBIRDS & THRASHERS A B C D E ___ Gray Catbird ___________________________ ___ Northern Mockingbird ___________________________ ___ Sage Thrasher * ___________________________ ___ Brown Thrasher ___________________________
PIPITS A B C D E ___ American Pipit ___________________________ ___ Sprague's Pipit * ___________________________
WAXWINGS A B C D E ___ Bohemian Waxwing ___________________________ ___ Cedar Waxwing ___________________________
SILKY-FLYCATCHERS A B C D E ___ Phainopepla * ___________________________
SHRIKES A B C D E ___ Northern Shrike ___________________________ ___ Loggerhead Shrike ___________________________
STARLINGS A B C D E ___ European Starling (I) ___________________________
VIREOS A B C D E ___ White-eyed Vireo ___________________________ ___ Solitary Vireo ___________________________ ___ Yellow-throated Vireo ___________________________ ___ Warbling Vireo ___________________________ ___ Philadelphia Vireo ___________________________ ___ Red-eyed Vireo ___________________________
WOOD-WARBLERS, TANAGERS, SPARROWS & BLACKBIRDS A B C D E ___ Blue-winged Warbler ___________________________ ___ Golden-winged Warbler ___________________________ ___ Tennessee Warbler ___________________________ ___ Orange-crowned Warbler ___________________________ ___ Nashville Warbler ___________________________ ___ Lucy's Warbler * ___________________________ ___ Northern Parula ___________________________ ___ Yellow Warbler ___________________________ ___ Chestnut-sided Warbler ___________________________ ___ Magnolia Warbler ___________________________ ___ Cape May Warbler ___________________________ ___ Black-throated Blue Warbler ___________________________ ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler ___________________________ ___ Black-throated Gray Warbler * ___________________________ ___ Townsend's Warbler * ___________________________ ___ Hermit Warbler * ___________________________ ___ Black-throated Green Warbler ___________________________ ___ Blackburnian Warbler ___________________________ ___ Yellow-throated Warbler ___________________________ ___ Pine Warbler ___________________________ ___ Prairie Warbler ___________________________ ___ Palm Warbler ___________________________ ___ Bay-breasted Warbler ___________________________ ___ Blackpoll Warbler ___________________________ ___ Cerulean Warbler ___________________________ ___ Black-and-white Warbler ___________________________ ___ American Redstart ___________________________ ___ Prothonotary Warbler ___________________________ ___ Worm-eating Warbler ___________________________ ___ Swainson's Warbler * ___________________________ ___ Ovenbird ___________________________ ___ Northern Waterthrush ___________________________ ___ Louisiana Waterthrush ___________________________ ___ Kentucky Warbler ___________________________ ___ Connecticut Warbler ___________________________ ___ Mourning Warbler ___________________________ ___ MacGillivray's Warbler * ___________________________ ___ Common Yellowthroat ___________________________ ___ Hooded Warbler ___________________________ ___ Wilson's Warbler ___________________________ ___ Canada Warbler ___________________________ ___ Painted Redstart * ___________________________ ___ Yellow-breasted Chat ___________________________ ___ Summer Tanager ___________________________ ___ Scarlet Tanager ___________________________ ___ Western Tanager * ___________________________ ___ Northern Cardinal ___________________________ ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak ___________________________ ___ Black-headed Grosbeak * ___________________________ ___ Blue Grosbeak ___________________________ ___ Indigo Bunting ___________________________ ___ Painted Bunting ___________________________ ___ Dickcissel ___________________________ ___ Green-tailed Towhee * ___________________________ ___ Eastern Towhee ___________________________ ___ Spotted Towhee * ___________________________ ___ American Tree Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Chipping Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Clay-colored Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Brewer's Sparrow * ___________________________ ___ Field Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Vesper Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Lark Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Black-throated Sparrow * ___________________________ ___ Lark Bunting * ___________________________ ___ Savannah Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Grasshopper Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Henslow's Sparrow * ___________________________ ___ Le Conte's Sparrow * ___________________________ ___ Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow * ___________________________ ___ Seaside Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Fox Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Song Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Lincoln's Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Swamp Sparrow ___________________________ ___ White-throated Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Golden-crowned Sparrow * ___________________________ ___ White-crowned Sparrow ___________________________ ___ Harris' Sparrow * ___________________________ ___ Dark-eyed Junco ___________________________ ___ McCown's Longspur * ___________________________ ___ Lapland Longspur ___________________________ ___ Smith's Longspur * ___________________________ ___ Chestnut-collared Longspur * ___________________________ ___ Snow Bunting ___________________________ ___ Bobolink ___________________________ ___ Red-winged Blackbird ___________________________ ___ Eastern Meadowlark ___________________________ ___ Western Meadowlark * ___________________________ ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird ___________________________ ___ Rusty Blackbird ___________________________ ___ Brewer's Blackbird * ___________________________ ___ Common Grackle ___________________________ ___ Brown-headed Cowbird ___________________________ ___ Orchard Oriole ___________________________ ___ Baltimore Oriole ___________________________ ___ Bullock's Oriole * ___________________________
FINCHES A B C D E ___ Pine Grosbeak ___________________________ ___ Purple Finch ___________________________ ___ House Finch ___________________________ ___ Red Crossbill ___________________________ ___ White-winged Crossbill ___________________________ ___ Common Redpoll ___________________________ ___ Hoary Redpoll * ___________________________ ___ Pine Siskin ___________________________ ___ American Goldfinch ___________________________ ___ Evening Grosbeak ___________________________
OLD WORLD SPARROWS A B C D E ___ House Sparrow (I) ___________________________
ADDITIONAL _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ___________________________


The following birds have been reported in Massachusetts, but either their specific identity or occurrence as wild individuals is uncertain:

Arctic / Pacific Loon              Band-tailed Pigeon                               
Whooper Swan                       Streaked / Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher 
Barnacle Goose                     Black-billed Magpie                   
Garganey                           Great-tailed / Boat-tailed Grackle    
Cinnamon Teal                      Common Chaffinch                      
Steller's Eider                    Brambling                             
Thayer's Gull                      Eurasian Siskin

If birders won't support bird conservation, who will?  Please join Manomet Observatory!

Since 1969, Manomet has worked to solve the complex problems affecting survival of bird populations. We seek to provide innovative, science-based answers to the tough questions of modern bird conservation.

To support Manomet's ongoing work, please send your $25, tax deductible membership contribution to the address below. Thank you!

For additional information contact:

               Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences
               P.O. Box 1770
               Manomet, Massachusetts 02345
               Tel.# (508) 224-6521
               Fax (508) 224-9220

This resource is based on the following source:
Manomet Observatory for Conservation Sciences.  1996.  Field list of 
     Massachusetts birds.  Manomet Observatory Inc.  Unpaginated.
This resource should be cited as:
Manomet Observatory for Conservation Sciences.  1996.  Field list of 
     Massachusetts birds.  Manomet Observatory Inc.  Unpaginated.
     Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 22MAY98).

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