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BMC Oral Health


Melissa Norton, MD

Medical Editor
Jigisha Patel, MRCP PhD

In-house Editor
Rikki Graham

Welcome to BMC Oral Health published by BioMed Central
BMC Oral Health is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of disorders of the mouth, teeth and gums, as well as related molecular genetics, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. BMC Oral Health (ISSN 1472-6831) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE, Cinahl and Google Scholar.

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BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:20
Regular consumption of gummy bears containing xylitol reduces levels of oral streptococci and may be a more acceptable alternative to chewing gum for preventing dental caries in school children.
Image credit: Ablestock
BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:6
A technique that combines surface electromyography with computerised kinesiography demonstrates that healthy people exhibit both occlusional and non-occlusional patterns for spontaneous swallowing and suggests that there is no typical swallowing pattern in healthy subjects.

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Research article
Oral health-related cultural beliefs for four racial/ethnic groups: assessment of the literature
Yogita Butani, Jane A Weintraub, Judith C Barker
BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:26 (15September2008)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

Research article
Cellular profile of the peritumoral inflammatory infiltrate in squamous cells carcinoma of oral mucosa :correlation with the expression of Ki67 and histologic grading.
Fabricio LD Vieira, Beatriz J Vieira, Marco AM Guimaraes, Fernando M Aarestrup
BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:25 (2September2008)
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Research article
Oral health investigations of indigenous participants in remote settings: a methods paper describing the dental component of wave III of an Australian Aboriginal birth cohort study
Lisa M Jamieson, Susan M Sayers
BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:24 (15August2008)
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Research article
In vitro tooth whitening effect of two medicated chewing gums compared to a whitening gum and saliva
Michael Moore, Nathalie Hasler-Nguyen, Geoffrey Saroea
BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:23 (11August2008)
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The NTI-tss device for the therapy of bruxism, temporomandibular disorders, and headache: where do we stand? A qualitative systematic review of the literature
Henrike Stapelmann, Jens C Turp
BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:22 (29July2008)
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Fluoride content and recharge ability of five glassionomer dental materials
Dejan Lj Markovic, Bojan B Petrovic, Tamara O Peric
BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:21 (28July2008)
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Xylitol gummy bear snacks: a school-based randomized clinical trial
Kiet A Ly, Christine A Riedy, Peter Milgrom, Marilynn Rothen, Marilyn C Roberts, Lingmei Zhou
BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:20 (25July2008)
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Oral maxillofacial neoplasms in an East African population a 10 year retrospective study of 1863 cases using histopathological reports.
Adriane Kamulegeya, Boniphace Kalyanyama
BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:19 (23July2008)
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BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:18 (3June2008)
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Prevalence of putative virulence factors and antimicrobial susceptibility of Enterococcus faecalis isolates from patients with dental Diseases
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BMC Oral Health 2008, 8:17 (1June2008)
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