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Historical Data 1950 -1977
Metal, Nonmetal,
Stone, and Sand and Gravel

TABLE 32 - Fatal and nonfatal disabling injuries and man-hours for open pit and
           other surface workings at metal, nonmetal, stone, and sand and gravel
           mines with summarized data and injury-frequency rates, 1950-77

                 Metal 1/                        Nonmetal 2/
          Fatal  Nonfatal      Man-hours     Fatal  Nonfatal      Man-hours

1950        16       782     48,303,812        NA        NA             NA 
1951        18       963     54,852,876        NA        NA             NA 
1952        16       893     53,708,658        NA        NA             NA 
1953        16       914     58,181,408        NA        NA             NA 
1954        17       455     36,805,345         4       203     10,369,384 
1955        10       556     39,551,147         8       353     11,427,278 
1956         8       500     45,199,009        11       283     13,820,640 
1957        10       371     43,766,231         3       289     14,421,565 
1958         7       478     36,173,710         6       424     22,447,042 
1959         9       423     33,180,504         8       489     22,764,541 
1960        15       533     47,825,693        11       460     24,013,846 
1961         8       415     38,115,906         7       403     23,099,109 
1962        10       372     38,542,682         5       420     20,194,807 
1963         8       326     36,856,576         2       350     19,749,655 
1964        10       362     38,712,784        10       386     22,277,280 
1965        12       409     45,022,131         9       448     23,957,570 
1966        10       530     45,296,129         6       551     27,480,426 
1967        12       490     39,698,456        11       469     25,597,806 
1968        20       537     43,377,131         4       387     23,759,829 
1969        16       562     46,997,667         7       473     24,119,093 
1970        13       632     50,247,503         5       357     20,964,633 
1971        10       468     48,951,198         3       297     17,245,528 
1972         5       455     46,371,869         3       268     14,714,531 
1973         8       642     52,065,625         9       473     18,121,344 
1974        12       788     54,387,711         4       488     19,815,421 
1975         9       620     50,432,601         3       462     22,377,481 
1976         6       558     51,902,314         5       327     19,299,429 
1977         7       519     47,360,948         7       294     19,886,409 

NA Not available.

1/ Data for 1950-53 includes nonmetal mine data; cannot be separated by detailed
   work location.

2/ Mine data 1950-53, included with metal data.  Clay mine data first compiled
in 1955.

                   Stone                           Sand and Gravel
          Fatal  Nonfatal      Man-hours     Fatal  Nonfatal      Man-hours

1950        28     2,509     67,846,985        NA        NA             NA 
1951        26     2,555     67,372,065        NA        NA             NA 
1952        41     2,380     66,866,869        NA        NA             NA 
1953        22     2,470     69,133,732        NA        NA             NA 
1954        23     2,345     63,066,404        NA        NA             NA 
1955        33     2,342     60,318,586        NA        NA             NA 
1956        33     2,234     62,232,866        NA        NA             NA 
1957        29     2,737     65,869,487        NA        NA             NA 
1958        23     2,413     64,692,625        25     1,698     92,455,928 
1959        29     2,314     69,221,781        21     2,161    109,829,947 
1960        19     2,218     66,433,050        25     1,919     95,749,128 
1961        18     2,101     64,041,569        21     1,814    101,706,650 
1962        33     1,426     64,067,872        51     2,093     97,589,447 
1963        33     1,495     65,088,882        33     1,894     95,785,817 
1964        36     1,536     65,947,719        34     1,957    100,891,462 
1965        22     1,439     71,365,518        40     1,870    100,082,962 
1966        24     1,538     67,227,677        35     2,098    104,971,239 
1967        20     1,347     66,677,099        32     1,919     96,645,422 
1968        30     1,401     67,769,048        26     1,992     93,155,512 
1969        32     1,349     67,930,634        31     1,929     94,223,319 
1970        26     1,641     66,742,911        29     2,045     95,066,530 
1971        30     1,593     66,557,453        26     2,132     94,786,459 
1972        21       986     47,273,871        36     1,364     57,113,857 
1973        38     1,551     64,651,863        40       867     51,759,816 
1974        30     1,583     67,565,415        39       910     54,799,807 
1975        27     1,598     65,921,337        21       803     57,412,846 
1976        17     1,490     62,234,961        24       755     56,550,794 
1977        19     1,472     63,609,108        26       784     60,533,293 

NA Not available.

1/ Data for 1950-53 includes nonmetal mine data; cannot be separated by detailed
work location.

2/ Mine data 1950-53, included with metal data.  Clay mine data first compiled
in 1955.    

      Total injuries         Total     Frequency rates per
Year                          Man-hours     million man-hours
          Fatal  Nonfatal                    Fatal  Nonfatal               

1950        44     3,291    116,150,797      0.38     28.33 
1951        44     3,518    122,224,941      0.36     28.78 
1952        57     3,273    120,575,527      0.47     27.14 
1953        38     3,384    127,315,140      0.30     26.58 
1954        44     3,003    110,241,133      0.40     27.24 
1955        51     3,251    111,297,011      0.46     29.21 
1956        52     3,017    121,252,515      0.43     24.88 
1957        42     3,397    124,057,283      0.34     27.38 
1958        61     5,013    215,769,305      0.28     23.23 
1959        67     5,387    234,996,773      0.29     22.92 
1960        70     5,130    234,021,717      0.30     21.92 
1961        54     4,733    226,963,234      0.24     20.85 
1962        99     4,311    220,394,808      0.45     19.56 
1963        76     4,065    217,480,930      0.35     18.69 
1964        90     4,241    227,829,245      0.40     18.61 
1965        83     4,166    240,428,181      0.35     17.33 
1966        75     4,717    244,975,471      0.31     19.25 
1967        75     4,225    228,618,783      0.33     18.48 
1968        80     4,317    228,061,520      0.35     18.93 
1969        86     4,313    233,270,713      0.37     18.49 
1970        73     4,675    233,021,577      0.31     20.06 
1971        69     4,490    227,540,638      0.30     19.73 
1972        65     3,073    165,474,128      0.39     18.57 
1973        95     3,533    186,598,648      0.51     18.93 
1974        85     3,769    196,568,354      0.43     19.17 
1975        60     3,483    196,144,265      0.31     17.76 
1976        52     3,130    189,987,498      0.27     16.47 
1977        59     3,069    191,389,758      0.31     16.04 

NA Not available.

1/ Data for 1950-53 includes nonmetal mine data; cannot be separated by detailed
work location.

2/ Mine data 1950-53, included with metal data.  Clay mine data first compiled
in 1955.

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