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BMC Neuroscience


Melissa Norton, MD

Biology Editor
Penelope Webb, PhD

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Sabina Alam

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BMC Neuroscience is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of cellular, tissue-level, organismal, functional and developmental aspects of the nervous system. BMC Neuroscience (ISSN 1471-2202) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, MEDLINE, BIOSIS, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE, Thomson Reuters (ISI) and Google Scholar.

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BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:79
Images can be perceived more quickly when accompanied by sound as indicated by the improved response time of monkey visual neurons, which are able to integrate signals from the auditory cortex without involving other brain areas.
Credit: Dr Maria Tsokos National Cancer Institute, Public Domain
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:61
Human neuroblastoma cells respond to short-term treatment with reboxetine and desipramine with a decrease in expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), but show increased expression following long-term treatment, whereas fluoxetine treatment has no effect.
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:48
Musical excerpts eliciting strong emotional responses are remembered better than those that do not, with a more pronounced association between music related to positive emotions and long-term episodic memory for music.

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Volume 9 Suppl 1
Meeting abstracts
Portland, OR, USA. 1924 July 2008

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Research article
Effects of the N-methyl-D-Aspartate receptor antagonist dextromethorphan on vibrotactile adaptation
Stephen E Folger, Vinay Tannan, Zheng Zhang, Jameson K Holden, Mark Tommerdahl
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:87 (16September2008)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

Research article
Serum Anticholinergic Activity and Cerebral Cholinergic Dysfunction: An EEG Study in Frail Elderly With and Without Delirium
Christine Thomas, Ute Hestermann, Juergen Kopitz, Konstanze Plaschke, Peter Oster, Martin Driessen, Christoph Mundt, Matthias Weisbrod
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:86 (15September2008)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

Research article
Enhanced expressions of microvascular smooth muscle receptors after focal cerebral ischemia occur via the MAPK MEK/ERK pathway
Aida Maddahi, Lars Edvinsson
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:85 (15September2008)
[Abstract] [Provisional PDF]

Research article
Detecting functional magnetic resonance imaging activation in white matter: Interhemispheric transfer across the corpus callosum
Erin L Mazerolle, Ryan C N D'Arcy, Steven D Beyea
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:84 (12September2008)
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MMP-28 as a regulator of myelination
Sean R Werner, Joseph E Dotzlaf, Rosamund C Smith
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:83 (9September2008)
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The developmental pattern of stimulus and response interference in a color-object Stroop task: an ERP study
Ellen MM Jongen, Lisa M Jonkman
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:82 (5September2008)
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Detailed immunohistochemical characterization of temporal and spatial progression of Alzheimer's disease-related pathologies in male triple-transgenic mice
Michael A Mastrangelo, William J Bowers
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:81 (12August2008)
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Differential expression of Cathepsin S and X in the spinal cord of a rat neuropathic pain model
Anna Leichsenring, Ingo Bcker, Wiebke Wendt, Michael Andriske, Beate Schmitz, Christine C Stichel, Hermann Lbbert
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:80 (12August2008)
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Visuo-auditory interactions in the primary visual cortex of the behaving monkey: Electrophysiological evidence
Ye Wang, Simona Celebrini, Yves Trotter, Pascal Barone
BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:79 (12August2008)
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Roles of PI3K and JAK pathways in viability of retinal ganglion cells after acute elevation of intraocular pressure in rats with different autoimmune backgrounds
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BMC Neuroscience 2008, 9:78 (11August2008)
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Red fluorescence in reef fish: a novel signalling mechanism?
Nico K. Michiels, Nils Anthes, Nathan S. Hart, Juergen Herler, Alfred J. Meixner, Frank Schleifenbaum, Gregor Schulte, Ulrike E. Siebeck, Dennis Sprenger, Matthias F. Wucherer
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Comprehensive behavioral phenotyping of calpastatin-knockout mice
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Molecular Brain 2008, 1:7 (15September2008)
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Docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids increase prion formation in neuronal cells
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Tadpole system as new lumbar spinal instrumentation
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Expression of CD74 is increased in neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease
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Alpha-CaMKII deficiency causes immature dentate gyrus, a novel candidate endophenotype of psychiatric disorders
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Starting at the endophenotype: A role for alpha-CaMKII in schizophrenia?
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Variation in nocturnality and circadian activity rhythms between photoresponsive F344 and nonphotoresponsive Sprague Dawley rats
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