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BMC Anesthesiology


Melissa Norton, MD

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Jigisha Patel, MRCP PhD

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Hans Zauner

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BMC Anesthesiology is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of anesthesiology. BMC Anesthesiology (ISSN 1471-2253) is indexed/tracked/covered by PubMed, CAS, Scopus, EMBASE and Google Scholar.

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Research article
Desflurane consumption during automated closed-circuit delivery is higher than when a conventional anesthesia machine is used with a simple vaporizer-O2-N2O fresh gas flow sequence
Sofie De Cooman, Nathalie De Mey, Bram BC Dewulf, Rik Carette, Thierry Deloof, Maurice Sosnowski, Andre M De Wolf, Jan FA Hendrickx
BMC Anesthesiology 2008, 8:4 (17July2008)
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Research article
A prospective study to evaluate the accuracy of pulse power analysis to monitor cardiac output in critically ill patients
Maurizio Cecconi, Jayne Fawcett, R Michael Grounds, Andrew Rhodes
BMC Anesthesiology 2008, 8:3 (18February2008)
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Technical advance
Can modern infrared analyzers replace gas chromatography to measure anesthetic vapor concentrations?
Jan FA Hendrickx, Hendrikus JM Lemmens, Rik Carette, Andre M De Wolf, Lawrence J Saidman
BMC Anesthesiology 2008, 8:2 (8February2008)
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Research article
A new analgesic method, two-minute sciatic nerve press, for immediate pain relief: a randomized trial
Jiman He, Bin Wu, Xianrong Jiang, Fenglin Zhang, Tao Zhao, Wenlon Zhang
BMC Anesthesiology 2008, 8:1 (25January2008)
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Research article
Evaluation of a new arterial pressure-based cardiac output device requiring no external calibration
Christopher Prasser, Sylvia Bele, Cornelius Keyl, Stefan Schweiger, Benedikt Trabold, Matthias Amann, Julia Welnhofer, Christoph Wiesenack
BMC Anesthesiology 2007, 7:9 (9November2007)
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Research article
Quality of life after stay in surgical intensive care unit
Fernando J Abelha, Cristina C Santos, Paula C Maia, Maria A Castro, Henrique Barros
BMC Anesthesiology 2007, 7:8 (24July2007)
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Research article
Increased permeability-oedema and atelectasis in pulmonary dysfunction after trauma and surgery: a prospective cohort study
AB Johan Groeneveld
BMC Anesthesiology 2007, 7:7 (9July2007)
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Research article
Gabapentin and postoperative pain: a qualitative and quantitative systematic review, with focus on procedure
Ole Mathiesen, Steen Miniche, Jrgen B Dahl
BMC Anesthesiology 2007, 7:6 (7July2007)
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Research article
Drotrecogin alfa (activated) in severe sepsis: a systematic review and new cost-effectiveness analysis
Vania Costa, James M Brophy
BMC Anesthesiology 2007, 7:5 (25June2007)
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Research article
Immediate and short-term pain relief by acute sciatic nerve press: a randomized controlled trial
Jiman He, Bin Wu, Wenlong Zhang, Guangping Ten
BMC Anesthesiology 2007, 7:4 (16May2007)
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Pressure support ventilation attenuates ventilator-induced protein modifications in the diaphragm
Emmanuel Futier, Jean-Michel Constantin, Lydie Combaret, Laurent Mosoni, Laurence Roszyk, Vincent Sapin, Didier Attaix, Boris Jung, Samir Jaber, Jean-etienne Bazin
Critical Care 2008, 12:R116 (11September2008)
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Research article
Sevoflurane requirement during elective ankle day surgery: the effects of etirocoxib premedication, a prospective randomised study.
Ibrahim Turan, Anette Hein, Eva Jacobson, Jan G Jakobsson
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2008, 3:40 (11September2008)
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Critical Care 2008, 12:R113 (10September2008)
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Case Report
Microbubbles detection during cardiopulmonary bypass with transoesophageal echocardiography: a case report.
Paolo Zanatta, Enrico Bosco, Valeria Salandin, Loris Salvador, Carlo Valfre, Carlo Sorbara
Cases Journal 2008, 1:141 (5September2008)
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Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, tracheo-esophageal fistula presenting with endotracheal intubation in post-cesarean period: a case report
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Original research
The Utstein template for uniform reporting of data following major trauma: a joint revision by SCANTEM, TARN, DGU-TR and RITG
Kjetil G. Ringdal, Timothy J. Coats, Rolf Lefering, Stefano Di Bartolomeo, Petter Andreas Steen, Olav Roise, Lauri Handolin, Hans Morten Lossius, Utstein TCD expert panel (Tcd)
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2008, 16:7 (28August2008)
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Case Report
Complete uterine inversion during caesarean section: A case report
Dimitrios Vavilis, Dimitrios Tsolakidis, Dimitrios Athanatos, Antonios Goutzioulis, John N Bontis
Cases Journal 2008, 1:127 (27August2008)
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A novel survival model of cardioplegic arrest and cardiopulmonary bypass in rats: a methodology paper
Fellery de Lange, Kenji Yoshitani, Mihai V Podgoreanu, Hilary P Grocott, G. Burkhard Mackensen
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2008, 3:51 (19August2008)
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Scandinavian Emergency Medicine A toddler steadily walking but still not running
Maaret Castrn
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2008, 16:6 (19August2008)
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Hyperosmotic stress enhances cytokine production and decreases phagocytosis in vitro
Natalie M Otto, Ralf Schindler, Andreas Lun, Olaf Boenisch, Ulrich Frei, Michael Oppert
Critical Care 2008, 12:R107 (18August2008)
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