Water News

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16/1 - Great Lakes rivers have dried up before, Canwest News Service  
15/1 - Larger oil-shale leases offered, Denver Post  
15/1 - Obama's EPA Pick Would Address Coal Ash Issue | Audio, National Public Radio  
15/1 - Pakistan to be hit hardest by climate change, Press Trust of India  
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Water Conservation Blog

Biocentric Commentary Emphasizing the Global Water Crisis
Geoengineering a Biosphere: Stupid, Dangerous and Doomed to Failure
Geoengineering is stupid, dangerous and doomed to failureSerious consideration is being given to the mad proposition of engineering the biosphere as a solution to climate change [ark]. Technological pseudo-scientific proposals for humans to engineer atmospheric processes are dubbed "geoengineering" [search] and generally seek to either reflect solar radiation or absorb greenhouse gases. They include such shortsighted, ill-conceived and risky ideas as mass release of aerosols...  
VICTORY RELEASE: Oregon's Governor Stymies Bush's "Midnight" Forest Raid
President Bush's anti-forest crusade stopped in Oregon(Seattle, WA) -- Ecological Internet (EI) welcomes Oregon governor Ted Kulongoski's decision to block Bush administration plans to sharply increase logging [search] on 2.2 million acres of BLM forests in Western Oregon. Kulongoski concluded that President Bush's hastily arrived at logging plan did not conform [ark] to federal environmental laws such as the Endangered Species Act, and failed...  
ALERT! Stop Bush's Midnight Raid Upon Oregon's Wild Forests and Rivers
President Bush tries to do more harm before leaving officeTAKE ACTION! The Bush Administration is rushing out long-term plans that would convert over 2 million acres of Oregon's national forests, with their towering trees, rushing rivers, and superb wildlife habitat, to empty clearcuts. Much of the forests under siege are in the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion [search] nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade Crest, which...  
RELEASE: New Earth Rising -- a New Biocentric E-zine -- Launches as Time to Achieve Global Ecological Sustainability Grows Short
New Earth Rising(Seattle, WA) -- Ecological Internet, the world's leading provider of on-line environmental portals and action opportunities, is pleased to announce New Earth Rising, a new fiercely biocentric online magazine (e-zine), committed to thought and action to achieve global ecological sustainability. The green publication launches today at http://www.newearthrising.org/ and free subscriptions can be made at http://www.ecoearth.info/shared/subscribe/ ...  
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FLOW - site for Irena Salina's award-winning documentary investigating the World Water Crisis, building a case against the growing privatization of the world's water by a cartel, and the dwindling fresh water supply, by focusing on politics, pollution and human rights