NIH Clinical Research Studies

Protocol Number: 03-M-0102

Active Accrual, Protocols Recruiting New Patients

Effects of Hydrocortisone Infusion on Processing of Facially Expressed Emotion During Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The purpose of this study is to use brain imaging technology to examine the effect of the hormone hydrocortisone on the brain's response to various facial expressions.

Glucocorticoids can influence emotional behavior and cognition; when given long-term, the hormones may lead to mania or depression. One way glucocorticoids may influence emotional behavior is by affecting the activity of certain parts of the brain that participate in emotional processing. Brain imaging studies indicate that the amygdala, ventral medial prefrontal, and other prefrontal cortical areas of the brain are activated during tasks that require processing of emotional stimuli. These brain structures contain dense concentrations of glucocorticoid receptors. This study will use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the brain activity of participants as they view faces that express different emotions. Participants will perform this task under a dose of either the glucocorticoid hydrocortisone or placebo (an inactive solution).

Participants in this study will be screened with a medical history, physical examination, blood tests, and an interview about their mood, degree of nervousness, and behavior. On Visit 1, participants will undergo screening and neuropsychological testing. For 3 days prior to Visit 2, participants will collect their saliva. During Visit 2, participants will undergo MRI scans of the brain after infusion with either a high or low dose of hydrocortisone or placebo. Participants will also undergo functional MRI (fMRI). Blood samples will be collected every 15 minutes during the scan. Following the MRI, participants will take attention and memory tests.

Sponsoring Institute:
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Recruitment Detail
Type: Participants currently recruited/enrolled
Gender: Male & Female
Referral Letter Required: No
Population Exclusion(s): Children

Eligibility Criteria:

All subjects will be between 18 and 50 years old.

Male and female subjects will be included.

Females will be studied in the luteal phase.

All subjects must be able to give written informed consent prior to participation in this study.


Children less than 18.

Individuals with any major medical or neurological disorder, or taking any medication within 3 weeks of scanning that is likely to influence CBF or metabolism, or having any endocrine condition expected to be associated with abnormal HPA axis function.

Individuals who meet DSM-IV criteria for alcohol and/or substance abuse within 1 year prior to screening or lifetime history of substance dependence.

Individuals with a current or past history of other axis I psychiatric disorders.

Individuals with first-degree family members with current or past history of mood disorder.

Women of childbearing potential who have a positive pregnancy test who are currently nursing.

Individuals who have experienced serious suicidal ideation or attempt within the past 6 months.

Smokers are ineligible to participate.

Women with irregular menstrual cycles or taking oral contraceptives.

Those with a weight greater than 100 kgs.

Those with previous allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to hydrocortisone.

General exclusions for MRI imaging, such as having had a cardiac pacemaker or ferromagnetic object implanted through surgical intervention or accident, e.g. shrapnel.

Those with a history of peptic ulcer disease.

Special Instructions:
Currently Not Provided
Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Orbitofrontal Cortex
Recruitment Keyword(s):
Healthy Volunteer
Investigational Drug(s):
Investigational Device(s):
Supporting Site:
National Institute of Mental Health

Patient Recruitment and Public Liaison Office
Building 61
10 Cloister Court
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-4754
Toll Free: 1-800-411-1222
TTY: 301-594-9774 (local),1-866-411-1010 (toll free)
Fax: 301-480-9793


Buchanan TW, Lovallo WR. Enhanced memory for emotionalmaterial following stress-level cortisol treatment in humans.Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2001 Apr;26(3):307-17.

Nejtek VA. High and low emotion events influence emotional stress perceptions and are associated with salivary cortisol response changes in a consecutive stress paradigm. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2002 Apr;27(3):337-52.

Newcomer JW, et al. Decreased memory performance inhealthy humans induced by stress-level cortisol treatment.Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1999 Jun;56(6):527-33.

Active Accrual, Protocols Recruiting New Patients

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