Intimate homicide victims by type of weapon, 1976-2005

Line charts

For male victims killed by a gun, the number began at 929 in 1976 and fell, reaching a low of 142 in 2002. After 2002, the number rose, reaching 155 in 2003, before falling to 147 in 2005.

For female victims killed by a gun, the number began at 1,109 in 1976 and decreased to 608 in 2004. Then the number increased to 678 in 2005.

For male victims killed by another weapon, the number began at 375 in 1976 and fluctuates with a low of 345 as it increases to 423 in 1981. Then the number decreased to 175 in 2003. After 2003, it fluctuates with a high of 190 as it increases to 182 in 2005.

For female victims killed by another weapon, the number began at 477 in 1976 and fluctuates with a low of 431 as it increases to 567 in 1986. Then the number decreased to 457 in 1997. After 1997, it fluctuates with a high of 547 as it increases to 504 in 2005.

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