Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Bird Checklists of the United States

Chickasaw National Recreation Area

small state map showing location

Sulphur, Oklahoma

Although small in size, (less than 10,000 acres), Chickasaw National Recreation Area plays host to a remarkable number of birds. The eastwest ecotone where the hardwood forests meet the grasslands, the overlap of north and south, and the proximity to the central flyway provide more types of birds than are found in some larger areas.

Over 160 of the birds on this list have actually been sighted in the area. The rest are probably here at one time or another during the year but either haven't been sighted yet or the sightings haven't been reported. If you see something interesting, let us know. We appreciate your sighting reports.


a - Abundant: likely to be seen in large numbers in proper season and habitat
c - Common: frequently seen in small numbers in proper season and habitat
u - Uncommon: may be seen regularly in small numbers in proper season and habitat
o - Occasional: seen irregularly in small numbers, even in proper habitat
r - Rare: present irregularly in a portion of its habitat, seldom seen

Seasonal Occurrence

SR - Summer resident
PR - Permanent resident
WV - Winter visitor
M - Migrant


This listing is for habitat where bird is most commonly found. If no habitat is listed, the bird is of widespread occurrence.

W - Water areas: lakes, ponds, streams, marshes
F - Forest: riparian and upland woods
B - Brush: forest edge, thickets, fencerows
P - Prairie: grasslands, pastures, cultivated fields
R - Riparian: deciduous vegetation along streams

GEESE & DUCKS                          OCCURRENCE          HABITAT

___ Tundra swan                           rWV                 W
___ White-fronted goose                   rWV                 W
___ Snow goose                            cWV                 W
___ Canada goose                          cPR                 W
___ Mallard                               cPR                 W
___ Pintail                               cPR                 W
___ Gadwall                               cWV                 W
___ American wigeon                       cWV                 W
___ Northern shoveler                     cWV                 W
___ Blue-winged teal                      cPR                 W
___ Green-winged teal                     cWV                 W
___ Cinnamon teal                         oM                  W
___ Wood duck                             cPR                 W
___ Redhead                               cWV                 W
___ American black duck                   rWV                 W
___ Canvasback                            cWV                 W
___ Lesser scaup                          cWV                 W
___ Common goldeneye                      cWV                 W
___ Bufflehead                            cWV                 W
___ Ruddy duck                            cPR                 W
___ Ring-necked duck                      cWV                 W
___ Red-breasted merganser                rWV                 W
___ Hooded merganser                      oWV                 W
___ Common merganser                      cWV                 W

VULTURES OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Black vulture oPR - ___ Turkey vulture aPR -
HAWKS, EAGLES, & FALCONS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Mississippi kite cSR FP ___ Goshawk rWV F ___ Cooper's hawk oPR F ___ Sharp-shinned hawk cWV FB ___ Northern harrier cPR P ___ Broad-winged hawk cSR F ___ Rough-legged hawk cWV P ___ Red-tailed hawk cPR - ___ Red-shouldered hawk cPR F ___ Swainson's hawk cSR P ___ Harris' hawk rWV RB ___ Golden eagle oPR - ___ Bald eagle uPR WR ___ Osprey uM W ___ Peregrine falcon rWV FPW ___ Prairie falcon uPR P ___ American kestrel cPR FBP ___ Merlin rWV FR
TURKEY & QUAIL OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Northern bobwhite cPR FBP ___ Wild Turkey cPR FBP
HERONS, EGRETS, & BITTERNS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Great egret cSR W ___ Cattle egret aSR P ___ Great blue heron aPR W ___ Little blue heron cSR W ___ Green heron aSR W ___ Yellow-crowned night-heron cSR W ___ Black-crowned night-heron cSR W ___ Louisiana heron rM W ___ American bittern uSR W ___ Least bittern uSR W
IBIS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ White-faced ibis uM W
CRANES OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Sandhill crane uWV WP ___ Whooping crane rM WP
COOTS & RAILS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ American coot aPR W ___ King rail rSR W ___ Virginia rail rSR W ___ Sora cSR W ___ Purple gallinule rSR W ___ Common moorhen uSR W
PELICANS, CORMORANTS, & ANHINGAS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ White pelican cM W ___ Double-crested cormorant cPR W ___ Anhinga rSR W
GREBES OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Pied-billed grebe cPR W ___ Horned grebe uWV W ___ Eared grebe cWV W
SHOREBIRDS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Killdeer cPR PW ___ American woodcock uPR FW ___ Common snipe cWV W ___ Black-bellied plover uM PW ___ Lesser-golden plover uM PW ___ Semipalmated plover cM W ___ Wilson's phalarope cM W ___ Stilt sandpiper cM W ___ Pectoral sandpiper cM W ___ Baird's sandpiper cM W ___ Least sandpiper cWV W ___ White-rumped sandpiper cM W ___ Solitary sandpiper cM W ___ Spotted sandpiper cSR W ___ Semipalmated sandpiper cM W ___ Western sandpiper cM W ___ Long-billed dowitcher cM W ___ Greater yellowlegs cM W ___ Lesser yellowlegs cM W ___ Hudsonian godwit uM W ___ Marbled godwit uM W ___ American avocet uM W ___ Willet uM W ___ Dunlin uM W
GULLS & TERNS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Franklin's gull cM W ___ Ring-billed gull cWV W ___ Caspian tern uM W ___ Forster's tern cM W ___ Least tern uM W ___ Black tern cM W
PIGEONS & DOVES OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Mourning dove cPR FPB ___ Rock dove cPR -
OWLS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Barn owl uPR F ___ Eastern screech owl cPR F ___ Great horned owl cPR FP ___ Barred owl cPR F ___ Long-eared owl rPR F ___ Short-eared owl uWV P
CUCKOOS & ROADRUNNERS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Black-billed cuckoo rSR F ___ Yellow-billed cuckoo cSR FB ___ Greater Roadrunner cPR PBF
GOATSUCKERS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Chuck-will's-widow cSR F ___ Common poorwill uSR PB ___ Common nighthawk cSR -
HUMMINGBIRDS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Ruby-throated hummingbird cSR - ___ Black-chinned hummingbird rSR B
WOODPECKERS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Red-headed woodpecker cPR F ___ Red-bellied woodpecker cPR F ___ Yellow-bellied sapsucker uWV F ___ Ladder-backed woodpecker uPR FB ___ Hairy woodpecker cPR FB ___ Downy woodpecker cPR FB ___ Flicker cPR F ___ Pileated woodpecker uPR F
FLYCATCHERS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Scissor-tailed flycatcher cSR PB ___ Great-crested flycatcher cSR F ___ Acadian flycatcher cSR FW ___ Least flycatcher cM F ___ Olive-sided flycatcher uM F ___ Eastern kingbird cSR WFB ___ Western kingbird cSR PB ___ Eastern phoebe cPR FW ___ Eastern wood pewee cSR F
SWALLOWS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Bank swallow uSR W ___ Barn swallow cSR WP ___ Tree swallow uM WP ___ Cliff swallow cSR WP ___ Rough-winged swallow cSR W ___ Purple martin aSR PW
JAYS & CROWS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Blue jay cPR - ___ American crow cPR -
CHICKADEES & TITMICE OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Carolina chickadee aPR FB ___ Tufted titmouse aPR FB
NUTHATCHES & CREEPERS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ White-breasted nuthatch cPR F ___ Red-breasted nuthatch uWV F ___ Brown creeper cWV F
WRENS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ House wren cPR FW ___ Carolina wren cPR F ___ Winter wren uWV FW ___ Bewick's wren cPR F ___ Rock wren cPR B ___ Sedge wren uWV WP ___ Marsh wren uWV W
MOCKINGBIRDS, CATBIRDS, & THRASHERS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Mockingbird cPR FB ___ Gray catbird cSR F ___ Brown thrasher cPR FB ___ Sage thrasher uWV B
THRUSHES & BLUEBIRDS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ American Robin cPR FB ___ Wood thrush uSR WF ___ Swainson's thrush cM F ___ Gray-cheeked thrush uM F ___ Hermit thrush uWV F ___ Townsend's solitaire uWV F ___ Veery rM F ___ Eastern bluebird cPR FB
PIPITS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ American pipit cWV WP ___ Sprague's pipit cWV WP
GNATCATCHERS & KINGLETS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Blue-gray gnatcatcher cSR F ___ Golden-crowned kinglet uWV F ___ Ruby-crowned kinglet cWV F
VIREOS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Black-capped vireo rSR B ___ White-eyed vireo cSR FB ___ Solitary vireo uM F ___ Bell's vireo cSR B ___ Red-eyed vireo cSR F ___ Warbling vireo cSR F
WARBLERS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Black-and-white warbler cSR F ___ Prothonotary warbler cSR WF ___ Nashville warbler cM F ___ Northern parula cSR F ___ Yellow warbler cSR F ___ Yellow-rumped warbler cWV F ___ Yellow-throated warbler uSR F ___ Blackpoll warbler uM F ___ Chesnut-sided warbler uM F ___ Orange-crowned warbler cWV F ___ Tennessee warbler cM F ___ Black-throated green warbler uM F ___ Wilson's warbler cM W ___ Worm-eating warbler rSR RW ___ Prairie warbler cSR F ___ Hooded warbler uSR RWB ___ Canada warbler rM F ___ Kentucky warbler cSR WF ___ American redstart uSR F ___ Ovenbird uSR F ___ Northern waterthrush uM WF ___ Louisiana waterthrush cSR WF ___ Common yellowthroat cSR W ___ Yellow-breasted chat cSR WFB
BLACKBIRDS & ORIOLES OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Bobolink uM P ___ Red-winged blackbird cPR WB ___ Yellow-headed blackbird uSR WPB ___ Rusty blackbird uWV FW ___ Brewer's blackbird cWV FW ___ Great-tailed grackle cPR FW ___ Common grackle cPR FW ___ Brown-headed cowbird cPR FBP ___ Eastern meadowlark cPR PB ___ Western meadowlark cPR PB ___ Orchard oriole cSR F ___ Northern oriole cSR F
TANAGERS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Summer tanager cSR F ___ Scarlet tanager uSR F
CARDINALS, GROSBEAKS, BUNTINGS, & TOWHEES OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Cardinal cPr FB ___ Rose-breasted grosbeak uSR F ___ Blue grosbeak cSR FB ___ Indigo bunting cSR F ___ Painted bunting cSR FB ___ Dicksissel cSR BP ___ Rufous-sided towhee cWV FB
FINCHES & SISKINS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ Purple finch cWV FB ___ Pine siskin cWV FB ___ American goldfinch cPR FB
SPARROWS OCCURRENCE HABITAT ___ American tree sparrow cWV F ___ Chipping sparrow cPR F ___ Clay-colored sparrow cM B ___ Field sparrow cPR BP ___ Vesper sparrow cWV BP ___ Lark sparrow cSR BP ___ Savannah sparrow cWV BP ___ Grasshopper sparrow cSR BP ___ LeConte's sparrow cWV BP ___ Sharp-tailed sparrow rM W ___ Fox sparrow uWV F ___ Song sparrow cWV FBW ___ Lincoln's sparrow cWV FB ___ Swamp sparrow uWV WF ___ White-throated sparrow uWV FB ___ White-crowned sparrow cWV FB ___ Harris' sparrow cWV FB ___ Dark-eyed junco cWV FB ___ McCown's longspur uWV P ___ Lapland longspur cWV P ___ Chestnut-collared longspur cWV P ___ Rufous-sided sparrow cPR B
For additional information contact: Chickasaw National Recreation Area P.O.Box 201 Sulphur, Oklahoma 73086 Phone: (405) 622-3161
This resource is based on the following source:
National Park Service.  1990.  A checklist of the birds of Chickasaw National 
     Recreation Area.  Southwest Parks and Monuments Association.  Unpaginated.
This resource should be cited as:
National Park Service.  1990.  A checklist of the birds of Chickasaw National 
     Recreation Area.  Southwest Parks and Monuments Association.  Unpaginated.
     Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 22MAY98).

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