Table 2. U.S. Merchandise Trade with Canada and Mexico by Surface Modes of Transportation,,,,,, (millions of dollars),,,,,, Mode,,November 2006,October 2007,November 2007,Percent Change Oct. 2007-Nov. 2007,Percent Change November 2006-2007 All Surface Modes,Imports,"36,794","41,974","39,660",-5.5,7.8 ,Exports,"28,011","32,275","30,693",-4.9,9.6 ,Total,"64,805","74,249","70,352",-5.2,8.6 ,,,,,, Truck,Imports,"23,817","27,065","25,293",-6.5,6.2 ,Exports,"21,774","25,310","23,734",-6.2,9.0 ,,,,,, Rail,Imports,"7,653","8,199","8,210",0.1,7.3 ,Exports,"3,686","4,169","4,278",2.6,16.1 ,,,,,, Pipeline,Imports,"4,184","5,130","4,684",-8.7,11.9 ,Exports,247,151,259,71.1,4.7 "Source: BTS TransBorder Freight Data,",,,,,, "Note: Numbers may not add to totals due to rounding. The value of trade for all surface modes is not equal to the sum of truck, rail and pipeline modes, it also includes shipments made by mail, foreign trade zones, other and unknown modes of transportation.  For additional detail refer to the “Data Fields” Section of the TransBorder web page:",,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,