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Scientists are particularly interested in Saturn's moon Titan because it's one of the few known moons with its own dense atmosphere. Titan's atmosphere is also thought to be very similar to what Earth's atmosphere was a long time ago. By learning about Titan, we'll learn about our own planet.
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2001-02-08 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Possibilities for life on Europa

Last week, researchers met at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley to examine the possibilities for life on Jupiter's moon Europa. At the workshop, scientists observed that halophiles -- salt-loving microorganisms -- might thrive in a possible saltwater ocean under Europa's icy surface. They noted the resemblance between Europa and icy environments on Earth where life has been found. They also reviewed plans for the Europa Orbiter mission, which may launch in 2008. The workshop was sponsored by the NASA Astrobiology Institute.

More on this story Full text of original item from, Feb 08, 2001

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Apr 20, 2000 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
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Feb 21, 2000 | MISSIONS
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Dec 13, 1999 | SCIENCE
Antarctic discovery supports possibility of life on Europa
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Sep 30, 1999 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Sulfuric acid found on Europa
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Sep 19, 1999 | SCIENCE
Water: an astrobiologist's pointing dog
( - Scientists generally believe that the limitations of the laws of chemistry mean that liquid water is necessary for life.

Sep 18, 1999 | SCIENCE
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(Astronomy Now) - Researchers say that curving cracks in Europa's icy surface indicate the presence of an ocean of liquid water underneath.

Sep 17, 1999 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
Spacecraft search for solar system's oases
( - A variety of missions are planned to search for water elsewhere in the solar system. Liquid water is believed to be necessary for life.

Sep 09, 1999 | SCIENCE
Divining water on Europa
(Science@NASA) - NASA scientists are analyzing data from an ingenious experiment to find hexagonal ice crystals on the surface of Europa. If they succeed, it could greatly strengthen the case that underground water on this moon of Jupiter.

Aug 27, 1999 | SCIENCE, MISSIONS
New Europa images may be further evidence of ocean
(NASA) - Two dark, reddish regions on this moon of Jupiter suggest that its icy surface may have melted through from an ocean below. Alternatively, warm ice may have welled up from below and disrupted the surface.

Aug 16, 1999 | MISSIONS
Galileo Europa Mission status report
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Aug 12, 1999 | MISSIONS
Galileo to fly by Europa today
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Jun 07, 1999 | SCIENCE
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(SpaceViews) - A team of scientists claims that, because of the few sources of energy available, any life on Europa would be limited to single-celled organisms.

Signs of water on Callisto
(Science@NASA) - Scientists may have discovered a salty ocean and some ingredients for life on Jupiter's moon.

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Editor: Minafra
NASA Official: Lynn J. Rothschild
Last Updated: November 13, 2007
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