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Welcome to Information for Authors

BioMed Central's open access journals offer you the perfect place to publish and reach the largest possible audience of biomedical professionals within your field. All research articles published in our journals are free to access immediately online, published quickly, peer reviewed to the highest standard, included in PubMed and many of our journals are "citation-tracked by Thomson Scientific (ISI)". BioMed Central has over 500,000 registered users internationally receiving email alerts and updates on a regular basis with over 5 million pages downloaded per month across 189 journals. Publish your article with BioMed Central and join tens of thousands of authors who have already experienced the benefits of Open Access publishing.

How to choose a BioMed Central journal

We publish 189 titles across all areas of Biology and Medicine including both broad interest titles and a range of specialist titles. Visit our journal overview page, which lists the different types of BioMed Central journal, and can help you to choose the right journal for your research.

You can also visit our journals A-Z or journals by subject pages to view the list of BioMed Central journals in its entirety and to navigate to the journals' individual websites.

Instructions for authors

To help you submit your paper we've created a quick instructions guide to the online submission process, including tips and advice as well as detailed instructions for authors for each journal. You can also find all of the author publishing tools that you need online together with handy links to the software you might need.

Reasons to publish

There are many reasons why increasing numbers of researchers choose to publish in our Open Access journals, including the promise of rapid and thorough peer review; immediate free access to the research; the scope and reputation of our journals and much more. Find out more about why authors choose to publish in our journals; and consider the benefits of publishing in our journals.

Peer review policy

All journals published by BioMed Central operate a thorough system of peer review for their research articles. The precise form of peer review is left to those with editorial control of the journal. Find out more about the peer review policy for each of our journals and look forward to fast and efficient peer-review processing when publishing in BioMed Central journals.

BMC Proceedings

Authors of manuscripts to be submitted for publication in BMC Proceedings should send their articles to the organising group, not to BioMed Central. If you require information about articles to be published in BMC Proceedings, please contact BioMed Central by email: supplements@biomedcentral.com.





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