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Abandonment of home, Abandonment.
Absence, temporary, Temporary absence.
Abstract fees, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Address, change of, Reminders
Adjusted basis, Adjusted Basis, Adjusted Basis
Adjusted basis:
Definition of, Determining Basis
Worksheet 1 to figure, Determining Basis, , ,
Adjusted basis of home for credit claimed, Decreases to basis.
Advertising fees, Selling expenses.
Amount realized, Amount Realized
Appraisal fees, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Architect's fees, Construction.
Armed forces:
Ownership and use tests, Members of the uniformed services or Foreign Service or employees of the intelligence community.
Assistance (see Tax help)


Back interest, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Adjusted basis (see Adjusted basis)
Determination of, Determining Basis, Adjusted Basis
Other than cost, Basis Other Than Cost
Building permit fees, Construction.
Business use of home, Business Use or Rental of Home, Use test met for business part (no business use in year of sale).


Amounts spent after to restore damaged property, Increases to basis.
Deductible casualty losses, Decreases to basis.
Disaster as cause of, Specific event safe harbors.
Insurance payments for casualty losses, Decreases to basis.
Change of address, Reminders
Closing costs, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Comments on publication, Comments and suggestions.
Commissions, Selling expenses., Settlement fees or closing costs.
Community property:
Basis determination, Community property.
Gain exclusion, Home destroyed or condemned.
Ownership and use test when previous home condemned, Previous home destroyed or condemned.
As main home, Main Home
Basis determination, Condominium.
Construction costs, Construction.
Construction costs:
Built by you, Built by you.
Cooperative apartments:
As main home, Main Home
Basis determination, Cooperative apartment.
Ownership and use tests, Cooperative apartment.
Cost as basis, Cost As Basis
Credit reports:
Cost of obtaining, Settlement fees or closing costs.


Date of sale, Date of sale.
Sale due to, Specific event safe harbors.
Spouse's death before sale, ownership and use tests, Death of spouse before sale.
Decreases to basis, Decreases to basis.
After May 6, 1997, Depreciation after May 6, 1997.
Home used for business or rental purposes, Decreases to basis.
Destroyed homes:
Gain exclusion, Home destroyed or condemned.
Ownership and use test when previous home destroyed, Previous home destroyed or condemned.
Disabilities, individuals with:
Ownership and use test, Exception for individuals with a disability.
Disasters, Specific event safe harbors.
District of Columbia:
First-time homebuyer credit, Decreases to basis.
Home received from spouse, Home received from spouse.
Home transferred to spouse, Transfer to spouse.
Ownership and use tests, Home transferred from spouse.
Sale due to, Specific event safe harbors.
Transfers after July 18, 1984, Transfers after July 18, 1984.
Transfers before July 19, 1984, Transfers before July 19, 1984.
Use of home after divorce, Use of home after divorce.
Doctor's recommendation for sale, Doctor's recommendation safe harbor.


Easements, Decreases to basis.
Employee of the intelligence community, Employee of the intelligence community.
Change in place of employment, Reduced Maximum Exclusion, Change in Place of Employment, Exception.
Payment by employer, when job transfer involved, Payment by employer.
Conservation subsidies, Decreases to basis.
Credit, Decreases to basis.
Exclusion of gain, Excluding the Gain, More Than One Home Sold During 2-Year Period
Exclusion of gain:
Reduced maximum exclusion, Reduced Maximum Exclusion
Expatriates, Expatriates.


Fair market value, Fair market value.
Federal mortgage subsidies:
Recapture of, Recapturing (Paying Back) a Federal Mortgage Subsidy
Figuring gain or loss, Figuring Gain or Loss, More information.
Fire insurance premiums, Settlement fees or closing costs.
First-time homebuyer credit, Decreases to basis.
Foreclosure, Foreclosure or repossession.
Foreign Service, Foreign Service member.
Foreign Service:
Ownership and use tests, Members of the uniformed services or Foreign Service or employees of the intelligence community.
Form 1040, Schedule A:
Real estate taxes, Real estate taxes.
Form 1040, Schedule D:
Reporting sale of home, Reporting the Sale
Form 1040:
Ordinary income, Ordinary income.
Reporting sale of home, Reporting the Sale
Seller-financed mortgages, Seller-financed mortgage.
Form 1099-A:
Acquisition or abandonment of secured property, Form 1099-A and Form 1099-C.
Form 1099-C:
Cancellation of debt, Form 1099-A and Form 1099-C.
Form 1099-S:
Proceeds from real estate transactions, Date of sale., Form 1099-S., Form 1099-S.
Form 2119:
Sale of home, Adjusted Basis
Form 6252:
Installment sale income, Installment sale.
Form 8828:
Recapture tax, How to figure and report the recapture.
Free tax services, How To Get Tax Help


Gain or loss:
Basis determination, Determining Basis, Adjusted Basis
Exclusion of gain, Excluding the Gain, More Than One Home Sold During 2-Year Period
Gain on sale, Gain on sale.
Loss on sale, Loss on sale.
Postponed from sale of previous home before May 7, 1997, Decreases to basis.
Worksheet 2 to figure, , , ,
Home received as, Home received as gift.


Sale of home due to, Reduced Maximum Exclusion, Health, Exception.
Help (see Tax help)
As main home, Main Home


Important reminders:
Change of address, Reminders
Home sold with undeducted points, Reminders
Adjusted basis determination, Improvements.
Charges for, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Receipts and other records, Adjusted Basis
Useful life of more than 1 year, Increases to basis.
Increases to basis, Increases to basis.
Individual taxpayer identification numbers (ITINs), Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN).
Home received as, Home received as inheritance.
Installment sales, Installment sale.
Involuntary conversion, Specific event safe harbors.
ITINs (Individual taxpayer identification numbers), Individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN).


Joint owners not married, Joint owners not married.
Joint returns, Jointly owned home.
Joint returns:
Ownership and use tests, Married Persons


Sale of land on which home located, Land.
Sale of vacant land, Vacant land.
Legal fees, Selling expenses., Settlement fees or closing costs., Construction.
Legal separation:
Sale due to, Specific event safe harbors.
Like-kind exchange, Sale of home acquired in like-kind exchange.
Living expenses, Reasonable basic living expenses.
Loan assumption fees, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Loan placement fees, Selling expenses.
Loss (see Gain or loss)


Main home:
Defined, Main Home
Factors used to determine, Factors used to determine main home.
Property used partly as, Property used partly as your main home., Property Used Partly for Business or Rental
Married taxpayers (see Joint returns)
Maximum exclusion, Maximum Exclusion
Maximum exclusion:
Reduced, Reduced Maximum Exclusion
Military (see Armed forces)
Missing children, photographs of, Reminders
Mobile homes:
As main home, Main Home
More information (see Tax help)
More than one home, More than one home.
More than one home:
Sold during 2-year period, More Than One Home Sold During 2-Year Period
Mortgage fees, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Mortgage insurance premiums, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Mortgage subsidies:
Recapturing (paying back) federal mortgage subsidy, Recapturing (Paying Back) a Federal Mortgage Subsidy
Mortgages, seller-financed, Seller-financed mortgage.
Moving expense, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Multiple births:
Sale due to, Specific event safe harbors.


Nonresident aliens:
Spouse as, transfer of home to, Exception.


Option to buy home, Option to buy.
Ordinary income, Ordinary income.
Ownership and use tests, Ownership and Use Tests, Ownership and use tests met at different times.


Partly used for business, Property Used Partly for Business or Rental
Personal property:
Selling price of home not to include, Personal property.
Points, Selling expenses.
Home sold with undeducted points, Reminders
Seller-paid, Seller-paid points.
Publications (see Tax help)


Real estate taxes, Settlement fees or closing costs., Real estate taxes.
Real estate taxes:
Deducting in year of sale, Deducting Taxes in the Year of Sale
Recapture of federal mortgage subsidy, Recapturing (Paying Back) a Federal Mortgage Subsidy
Recording fees, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Recordkeeping, Adjusted Basis
Reduced maximum exclusion, Reduced Maximum Exclusion
Reduced maximum exclusion:
Worksheet 3, Reduced Maximum Exclusion,
Refinancing, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Sale of home to, Exception for sales to related persons.
Remainder interest:
Sale of, Sale of remainder interest.
Remodeling, Exception.
Remodeling:, Improvements.
(see also Improvements)
Rental of home, Business Use or Rental of Home, Use test met for business part (no business use in year of sale).
Rental of home:
Before closing, by buyer, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Partial use, Property Used Partly for Business or Rental
Repairs, Repairs.
Repairs:, Settlement fees or closing costs., Improvements.
(see also Improvements)
Reporting the sale, Reporting the Sale, Comprehensive Examples
Repossession, Foreclosure or repossession.
Right-of-ways, Decreases to basis.


Safe harbors:
Distance safe harbor, Distance safe harbor.
Doctor's recommendation for sale, Doctor's recommendation safe harbor.
Unforeseeable events, Specific event safe harbors.
Sales commissions, Selling expenses., Settlement fees or closing costs.
Sales to related persons, Exception for sales to related persons.
Self-employed persons:
Change in status causing inability to pay basic expenses, Specific event safe harbors.
Seller-financed mortgages, Seller-financed mortgage.
Seller-paid points, Seller-paid points.
Selling expenses, Selling expenses.
Selling price, Selling Price
Separate returns, Separate returns.
Settlement fees, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Death of (see Surviving spouse)
Divorce, transfers subsequent to (see Divorce)
Suggestions for publication, Comments and suggestions.
Survey fees, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Surviving spouse:
Basis determination, Surviving spouse.
Ownership and use tests, Death of spouse before sale.


Tax help, How To Get Tax Help
Taxpayer Advocate, Contacting your Taxpayer Advocate.
Temporary absence, Temporary absence.
Temporary housing, Temporary housing.
Title insurance, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Title search fees, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Trading homes, Trading homes., Home received as trade.
Transfer taxes, Settlement fees or closing costs., Transfer taxes.
Transfer to spouse, Transfer to spouse.
Transfer to spouse:
After July 18, 1984, Transfers after July 18, 1984.
Before July 19, 1984, Transfers before July 19, 1984.
TTY/TDD information, How To Get Tax Help


Unemployment, Specific event safe harbors.
Unforeseen circumstances, Reduced Maximum Exclusion, Unforeseen Circumstances, Exception.
Uniformed services (see Armed forces)
Use tests, Ownership and Use Tests, Ownership and use tests met at different times.
Charges for installing, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Charges related to occupancy of house before closing, Settlement fees or closing costs.
Energy conservation subsidy, Decreases to basis.
Meter and connection charges for construction, Construction.


Vacant land:
Sale of, Vacant land.


Worksheets, Worksheets.
Adjusted basis (Worksheet 1), Determining Basis, , ,
Gain (or loss), exclusion, and taxable gain (Worksheet 2), , , ,
Recordkeeping and, Adjusted Basis
Reduced maximum exclusion (Worksheet 3), Reduced Maximum Exclusion,

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