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Frequently Asked Questions for SPA Contractors

  1. How do I get on a SPA?
    Visit the Agreements & Contact Information page and find the GPO office that you would like to work with. Then download a copy of their SPA agreement which will have directions on how to submit the proper paperwork to GPO. You must be a SPA authorized vendor before you can perform any work on the SPA. Remember, the SPA is meant for small, quick turnaround jobs, so it will be most advantageous for you to submit paperwork to the regional office that is nearest you.
  2. What happens after I submit my paperwork to GPO to participate on the SPA?
    Once GPO determines your ability to provide the products and services requested, you will be sent a letter which will include your contractor's code and your Purchase Order number. You will also be furnished with a list of the agencies that are authorized to use the SPA. This list will also include names of persons at an agency that can request quotes from your company, their spending limit, and their marketing address.
  3. How do I bill GPO?
    With some regional offices, you may use the work order as a delivery receipt and invoice. On orders that do not utilize this method, send a copy of the work order, the signed delivery receipt, and a copy of your invoice to Comptroller, FMCE, Office of Financial Management, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20401 or fax your bill to 202.512.0992 or 202.512.0993. See complete billing instructions.
  4. How do I find out what agencies are authorized to use the SPA?
    Once you are certified to participate, GPO will provide a list of the authorized agencies and their authorized personnel and dollar limit.
  5. Can I send marketing materials to agencies?
    Once certified as a SPA vendor, contractors are encouraged to provide authorized customer agencies with materials illustrating their capabilities and specialties. The addresses or e-mails will be provided with the authorized agency listing furnished by GPO.
  6. Does Contract Terms apply to each order?
    Yes, Contract Terms is included by reference in the specifications for each SPA.
  7. Does the Quality Assurance Through Attributes (QATAP) apply to each order?
    Yes, the QATAP is included by reference in the specifications for each SPA.
  8. Who do I call for questions?
    The point of contact for each SPA is included on page one of the specifications and this site provides a contact list.
  9. What happens if I accept an order which is over the agency limit?
    You run the very real risk of not getting paid for the order by GPO. The burden of payment may fall to the customer agency who may or may not have the means of authorizing payment for the order. This is a situation that should be avoided by adhering to the listing of customer agencies provided for your SPA. The list will include the various dollar limitations imposed by the customers and a SPA order may never be awarded over the $10,000 limit.
  10. Who handles complaints?
    If an agency has a problem with an order, they are instructed to contact the contractor and see if an equitable solution can be obtained. If the dispute cannot be reconciled, then the agency/contractor may contact GPO for intervention. Quality complaints are handled by GPO’s Quality Assurance Dept. or local Regional office.
  11. What do I do if I need a modification?
    If additional funds are required due to author’s alterations the contractor must submit in writing to the Office where the contract resides, the reason and the amount requested. A modification will be required before the contractor can bill for the additional funds.
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