Box: GDP News Release Tables

The changes to the NIPA series and series names described in this article will also be incorporated into the tables in BEA's monthly GDP news release. In tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7, "producers' durable equipment" will be renamed "equipment and software," and "change in business inventories" will be renamed "change in private inventories." In table 3, under personal consumption expenditures, lines will be added for "gasoline, fuel oil, and other energy goods" under nondurable goods and for "recreation" under services. In tables 3 and 8, "receipts of factor income from the rest of the world" will be renamed "income payments from the rest of the world," and "payments of factor income from the rest of the world" will be renamed "income payments from the rest of the world."

The following series will be added to the addenda to tables 6 and 7: Gross domestic purchases, final sales to domestic purchasers, and gross national product. The price index for GDP less final sales of computers will be added to the addenda to appendix table A.