Table 2. U.S. Merchandise Trade with Canada and Mexico by Surface Modes of Transportation,,,,,, (millions of dollars),,,,,, Mode,,September 2004,August 2005,September 2005,Percent Change August - September,Percent Change September 2004-2005 ,,,,,, All Surface Modes,Imports,"31,458","34,506","35,485",2.8,12.8 ,Exports,"23,455","25,681","25,682",0.0,9.5 ,Total,"54,913","60,188","61,166",1.6,11.4 ,,,,,, Truck,Imports,"20,596","22,255","22,281",0.1,8.2 ,Exports,"18,689","20,514","20,393",-0.6,9.1 ,,,,,, Rail,Imports,"6,858","6,788","7,174",5.7,4.6 ,Exports,"2,669","2,861","2,935",2.6,10.0 ,,,,,, Pipeline,Imports,"3,072","4,434","4,681",5.6,52.4 ,Exports,141,159,152,-4.3,7.7 "Note: The value of all surface modes is not equal to the sum of truck, rail and pipeline modes. The value of trade for all surface modes includes shipments made by truck, rail, pipeline, mail, foreign trade zones, other and unknown modes of transportation.  For additional detail refer to the Transborder Surface Freight data ""Sources and Reliability"" statement:",,,,,, "Source: BTS Transborder Surface Freight Dataset,",,,,,,