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A Pictorial History


It was 35 years ago this month that today’s FBI Academy—which trains not only Bureau personnel but also law enforcement professionals from around the globe—opened its doors on a sprawling 385-acre campus carved out of the Quantico Marine Corps base in rural Virginia.

To mark the occasion, we thought you’d enjoy a walk through our past
visually tracing the evolution of the Academy over the years.

We begin our story at a train station in Kansas City…

Left: The aftermath of the Kansas City Massacre. Right: FBI agents takes target practice with a Thompson machine gun.
The aftermath of the Kansas City Massacre.
FBI agents take target practice with a Thompson machine gun.

In the Beginning…

…How’d we end up at Quantico? It began with the so-called Kansas City massacre.” In June 1933, three police officers and one Bureau agent escorting a prisoner through a Missouri train station were killed when “Pretty Boy” Floyd and other criminals opened fire. Following the public outcry, FBI agents were given the authority to make arrests and to carry weapons for the first time.
… But where to learn marksmanship and take target practice? We needed a safe, out of the way place.
… And we found one, thanks to the Marine Corps, which in 1934 let us start using the firing ranges on its base in Quantico, Virginia, about 35 miles southwest of the nation’s capital. We’ve been there ever since.

Left: Our agents get in shape on the roof of our former Headquarters building in D.C.  Right: First graduates of the “FBI Police Training School,” July 1935.
Our agents get in shape on the roof of the Justice Department building in D.C.
First graduates of the “FBI Police Training School,” July 1935.

Training Takes Off

… Meanwhile, the Bureau was moving into the training business.
… In the early 20s we’d begun formal training for agents; our first organized agent school was launched in 1929 in D.C. It included classroom training, practical exercises in fingerprinting and evidence collection, and even physical instruction on the rooftop of the Justice Department building.
… In line with the recommendations of a national commission on the need for more standardized police training, in 1935 we launched a “Police Training School,” the forerunner of today’s National Academy program. The high-level police professionals learned investigative and scientific techniques, studied management principles, did practical exercises, and got firearms training at the gun range at Quantico. Many of the graduates opened training classes back home to share what they’d learned.

Left: FBI Academy building circa 1940. Right: The dorm rooms at the Academy.
FBI Academy building circa 1940.
The dorm rooms at the Academy.

The Academy’s First Home

… “If you build it, they will come…” Precisely our thinking by the late 1930s. The gun ranges used by the Marines weren’t meeting our more specialized law enforcement needs. And we needed a central place to instruct and house all the police officers and special agents we were now training.
… Result: the Marine Corps allowed us to construct our own firing range and, in 1940, our first classroom building on the main section of the base. The FBI Academy was born.
… Over the next two decades, we added a new wing, a basement, more dining room and kitchen space, and an elevator to the original building. But it still wasn’t enough. Eight people shared a single dorm room. The lack of classroom space limited the size of training classes. The firing range was a bumpy bus ride away. We needed the facilities to match our vision for world-class training.
… In 1965, we got approval to build a brand new complex at Quantico. Construction began in 1969. A new home was just around the corner…

Left: The new FBI Academy in 1972. Right:  Interior shot of a classroom in the new Academy.
The new FBI Academy
Classroom in the new Academy.

A New Era for FBI Training

… On May 7, 1972, the new, expanded, and modernized FBI Academy was opened.
… Talk about a major upgrade: The complex included more than two dozen classrooms, eight conference rooms, twin seven-story dormitories, a 1,000-seat auditorium, a dining hall, a full-sized gym and swimming pool, a fully equipped library, and a new firing range. Not to mention much-needed enhancements like specialized classrooms for forensic science training, four identification labs, more than a dozen darkrooms, and a mock-city classroom and crime scene room for practical exercises.
… The ample facilities enabled National Academy classes to expand 10-fold, to more than 200 students per session, including more from overseas.

Left: Our Hostage Rescue Team in a simulated exercise at Quantico. Right: The new FBI Laboratory.
Our Hostage Rescue Team in a simulated exercise at Quantico.
The new FBI Laboratory.

New Directions, New Neighbors

… Since 1972, the Academy has continued to grow and evolve, both in terms of its training and its facilities. A few examples:
… In 1976, we created the National Executive Institute for the heads of the nation’s largest law enforcement agencies. More leadership training programs have followed.
… In 1987 we built a mock training town on campus called “Hogan’s Alley,” which provides a realistic training ground for agents.
… Also joining the Academy complex in the 80s and 90s were our Engineering Research Facility and our Critical Incident Response Group, which includes our Hostage Rescue Team and behavioral scientists.
… In 2002, we also launched the College of Analytical Studies—now called the Center for Intelligence Training—to develop and train our cadre of intelligence analysts.
… Our newest building on the block: the FBI Laboratory. In 2003, we opened our first ever standalone Lab building, a state-of-the-art facility complete with building-sized shock absorbers to handle vibrations from Marine munitions blasts.

Left: FBI students in the classroom.  Right: Stretching exercises at Quantico.
FBI students in the classroom.
Stretching exercises at Quantico.

Into the Future…

… It’s not called the “West of Point of Law Enforcement” for nothing.
The FBI Academy continues to look towards the future with new programs designed to meet the evolving needs of our workforce and our national and international partners.
… Stay tuned for the continuing story…

Want to work for the FBI and be trained at the Academy? Then visit our FBI Jobs website.

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