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NREL develops technical reports, conference papers, and presentations about its vehicle systems analysis R&D activities, which include:

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Top Five Publications

Here you'll find the top five downloaded publications from this site. These publications are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Adobe Reader.

Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Storage System Design

Publication Type: Conference paper (PDF 564 KB)
Conference: Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, Baltimore, Maryland
Authors: Markel, T.; Simpson, A.
Publication Date: May 2006

Battery Usage and Thermal Performance of the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight for Various Chassis Dynamometer Test Procedures

Publication Type: Conference paper (PDF 563 KB)
Conference: 17th Annual Battery Conference on Applications and Advances, Long Beach, California
Authors: Kelly, K.J.; Mihalic, M.; Zolot, M.
Publication Date: November 2001

An Analysis of Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems for Transit Buses

Publication Type: Milestone report (PDF 1.49 MB)
Authors: O'Keefe, M.P.; Vertin, K.
Publication Date: October 2002

ADVISOR 2.0: A Second-Generation Advanced Vehicle Simulator for Systems Analysis

Publication Type: Technical report (PDF 1.1 MB)
Authors: Wipke, K.; Cuddy, M.; Bharathan, D.; Burch, S.; Johnson, V.; Markel, T.; Sprik, S.
Publication Date: March 1999

Energy Storage System Requirements for Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicles

Publication Type: Conference paper (PDF 295 KB)
Conference: Advanced Automotive Battery, Nice, France
Authors: Markel, T.; Zolot, M.; Wipke, K.B.; Pesaran, A.A.
Publication Date: June 2003

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Content Last Updated: August 08, 2008