Press Room


November 12, 2003

U.S. Designates 15 Members of Italian Al-Qaida Cell
Designation Comes in Response to the Submission by Italy
of These Individuals to the UN

WASHINGTON – Today the U.S. Treasury Department announced the November 10th designation of fifteen individuals as terrorists.  This action comes in support of the submission by Italy of these individuals to be listed as terrorists by the United Nations. 

The individuals are designated for their involvement in Al Qaida terrorist cells in Milan, Cremona, and Parma.  According to documents provided by the Italian government, the fifteen individuals have helped illegal immigration to Italy, and have provided financial and material support for terrorist activities in Italy and elsewhere in Europe.  Some of the fifteen have also recruited volunteers for military camps in Iraq, organized by the Ansar al Islam group. The Italian government has frozen the assets of these individuals within Italy.  Most of the fifteen are already in the custody of Italian authorities.

The action follows from obligations to freeze the assets of individuals and organizations pursuant to UN Security Council Resolutions and is consistent with the Financial Action Task Force’s Special Recommendation III on Terrorist Financing.  These names are being submitted by Italy for listing by the UN, which will mean that all Member States are required to freeze the assets of those listed and to bar cross-border travel.  Although the UN listing is still pending, the U.S. has determined that these individuals meet the standards for designation.

With the action, the U.S. and our international partners have designated 342 individuals and organizations as terrorists and terrorist supporters and have frozen over $136.8 million and seized more than $60 million in terrorist-related assets.

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