Press Room


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September 2, 2003

Statement by Secretary of the Treasury John Snow
on the Departure of General Counsel David Aufhauser

“David Aufhauser has served our nation with superb leadership and vision during a time of great challenge.  As Chairman of the National Security Council’s Policy Coordinating Committee on Terrorist Financing, he has helped direct the U.S. government’s efforts to halt the flow of money that funds terror.  Since the September 11th attacks, the U.S. has designated more than 290 individuals and entities as terrorists and terrorist supporters and, along with our international partners, has frozen over $136 million in assets worldwide.  Under David’s leadership, new alliances have been forged internationally to fight the financing of terror and more than 80 nations have implemented laws that will help keep money out of the hands of terrorists.

“Additionally, David has led Treasury’s efforts to secure the nation’s financial system against money laundering and the financing of terror through implementation of the Patriot Act.  He has also worked to restore integrity and confidence to the financial markets as Treasury’s representative on the Justice Department’s Corporate Fraud and Abuse Task Force. Finally, he has spearheaded the hunt for assets belonging to the former Iraqi regime and has worked tirelessly to secure their return to Iraq for the good of the Iraqi people. President Bush and I are grateful for his outstanding service to the Treasury Department and to our nation.”

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