Press Room


July 31, 2003

Snow & Evans Praise Senate Commerce Committee for Approving Legislation to Make Internet Tax Moratorium Permanent

Calling it a "win for innovation," Treasury Secretary John Snow and Commerce Secretary Don Evans today praised the Senate Commerce Committee for approving a permanent extension of the moratorium on taxes on Internet access and on multiple or discriminatory taxes on electronic commerce.  Snow and Evans made the following statement:


"A permanent moratorium means permanent innovation.  Keeping the Internet free of multiple or discriminatory taxes on electronic commerce will help create an environment for innovation and help ensure that electronic commerce remains a vital part of our economy.  As policy makers, we need to encourage the roll out of new Internet services and not stifle innovation by imposing new taxes."


"We applaud Chairman McCain for his leadership on this important issue and recognize all the other members of the Committee including Senators Allen and Wyden who were instrumental in pushing for a permanent moratorium."

