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June 16, 2003

United States Treasury Secretary John W. Snow
Remarks Regarding the Health Coverage Tax Credit
Pittsburgh, PA

Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to be here with you. President Nicholson, let me begin by thanking you and Robert Morris University for hosting this event.

Let me also thank all of you here today for your participation in this event calling attention to the President’s Health Coverage Tax Credit. We think it’s going to provide important help to people in Pennsylvania and across America. Of course, the very best help for those who are out of work or insecure about their job is to create conditions in which companies and entrepreneurs invest to create new jobs and make existing jobs more secure.

That’s why President Bush’s Jobs and Growth plan is so important. By lowering tax rates on workers and small businesses, reducing the marriage penalty, and increasing the child tax credit, taxpayers will keep more of what they earn and use it as they see fit. That is what the President’s Jobs and Growth Plan does. Now that the President’s plan has been signed into law, I am confident that we are going to see a pick-up in economic growth and investment, and that is going to lead to new and better jobs here in Western Pennsylvania and all across America. When the new tax plan takes effect – which will be soon – I am confident we’re going to see those "help wanted" signs go up again in greater and greater numbers.

I am delighted to be here today with Pennsylvania’s two outstanding senators, Arlen Specter and Rick Santorum. Pennsylvania is fortunate to have two such extremely effective members of the U.S. Senate. They are both great public servants and a great credit to the Commonwealth in all they do. I want to publicly thank Senator Specter and Senator Santorum for their strong support of President Bush’s Jobs and Growth plan. The people of the state of Pennsylvania and President Bush alike have been able to count on these senators to do the right thing for the American economy and for the citizens of Pennsylvania.

But we also know that for families lacking health coverage, especially when the breadwinner is out of work and looking, finding a new job can seem a long way off. Family health care needs can’t wait for a change in the business cycle. We know that and we care about helping Americans get the health care they need right now.

That is why the Congress passed and the President signed the Health Coverage Tax Credit, which helps folks who are eligible to receive Trade Adjustment Assistance or pension benefit payments from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. People in Pennsylvania eligible for these two programs – that’s about 21,000 across the state – now can obtain a tax credit covering 65% of qualified health insurance premiums. They can get this assistance in two ways. First, they can claim it on their tax forms in a lump sum next year on April 15th. Better yet, beginning in August, the Health Coverage Tax Credit program will allow eligible individuals and their families to directly apply the credit to their health insurance premiums every month. This advance payment option could make a big difference for families that are just getting by month-to-month or week-to-week.

I’m pleased to note that Pennsylvania is one of the first states to authorize participating health plans in the program, and the first where we will launch an early registration program. Your leaders are on the forefront of innovative health care policy and Pennsylvanians, especially Pennsylvanians who need some extra help right now, are going to be the beneficiaries. I want to recognize the state Insurance Commissioner, the Secretary of Labor and Industry, the Steelworkers Unions as well as Pennsylvania’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s participating health plans – thank you all for working together to bring the Health Coverage Tax Credit Program to Pennsylvania.

Today’s event is the first on-site registration for the Health Coverage Tax Credit in Pennsylvania. Starting tomorrow, there will be registration sites, including Robert Morris University, out across Pennsylvania, and we hope to reach out to all eligible Pennsylvanians by August. This program is a real innovation in tax policy, one that we hope will lead the way for other innovations that help real people obtain the health care coverage that they need in a flexible and reliable way.

In fact, the President’s budget proposes $89 billion over ten years for new health tax credits to make private health insurance more affordable for Americans who do not have employer-provided insurance or public insurance. This is a serious proposal to deal with a serious concern, and it’s gaining bipartisan support. I know a lot of folks here today have worked in the steel industry, and you’ve helped build this country, to make it as strong as it is. The Health Coverage Tax Credit is one way we can give back to you. It’s a bold step in the direction of affordable health care for all Americans.

Thank you.

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