Press Room


February 7, 2003

Prepared Remarks by United States Treasury Secretary John W. Snow
At the Swearing-in with the
President of the United States
The Treasury Department
February 7, 2003

Mr. President, Treasury colleagues, family and friends, it is humbling to stand before you today, as the heir to a tradition as old as our constitution, in a role established by the founders of this republic.

Mr. President, you have upheld the honor and dignity of your office through times of unforeseen peril, renewing our nation’s hope and confidence.  I, too, shall strive to maintain that standard of leadership in my office.  Working with my colleagues here, I intend to earn your faith and reward your trust. 

Today, the challenge to the Department of the Treasury is clear.  Our task is to help restore the American economy to its full and vast potential.  Mr. President, in the past you have taken well-timed and decisive action to bolster our economic freedom, security, and confidence.  At the start of this year you put forth a new proposal for jobs and growth that is precisely the right plan at the exactly the right time. 

My first responsibility shall be to deliver your plan to the American people, so that all those who seek work can find it, all families can provide for parents and children, and all businesses can invest with confidence in our shared future.   Like you, Mr. President, I want to see more “Help Wanted” signs all across America.

We must build on the proven strengths of our economy.  We must continue to move towards policies that will create more good jobs and raise living standards for all.   As long as there are Americans who want a job and can’t find one, the economy is not growing fast enough.  

That’s why your jobs and growth package is so important.  The package will not only help America return to its economic potential, it will increase it, creating a more abundant future with more good jobs and rising real wages.   Swift enactment of this package is my top priority.

Mr. President, you have asked much of this department, and put us at the center of the economic policy debate.  I am confident that we will be able to respond to all you ask of us, because of the truly dedicated public servants that serve here at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue.  These are the best and the brightest.   The success we enjoy will only come through the excellence and integrity of the men and women of the United States Treasury.  It is an honor, today, to count myself among them.

Mr. President, the charge you have bestowed on us is a joyful privilege.  I thank you for it.  We will execute it with pride.

Thank you.

President Bush Swearing in Treasury Secretary John Snow