Press Room


November 24, 2003

Secretary John Snow, Statement regarding the Passage of the Medicare Prescription Drug Bill

Today's action by the House on bipartisan Medicare Prescription Drug legislation brings us one step closer to strengthening America's commitment to the health of our senior citizens.  This Administration is very pleased with the results of House passage, and we are looking forward to swift Senate passage and speeding the final bill to the President's desk for his signature.  I applaud the leadership of Secretary Thompson who helped get us to this historic point.

As Managing Trustee of the Medicare Trust Fund, let me point out that this bill has the support of Democrats, Republicans, and the AARP - the largest seniors organization in this country - -because it is good for 40 million seniors and disabled persons on Medicare.  The bill will help seniors pay for prescription drugs, and it gives the greatest benefits to those who most need help.  That assistance will help ensure economic security for seniors, many living on fixed incomes.

These benefits will give every American senior citizen the same kinds of health care choices enjoyed by member of Congress and most working Americans.  Seniors who are happy with their current coverage need not make any change.  It also greatly expands the former Medical Savings Accounts into new and innovative Health Care Savings Accounts, which will be a welcome option for many Americans.  In addition, this bill includes reforms that will ensure the future of the Medicare system, so it is available to Americans in the decades ahead.  Congress and the President have a historic opportunity to deliver prescription drug benefits to all American seniors.  I urge the Senate to now keep our commitment, and pass this bill.
