Press Room


May 8, 2003

Treasury Department Applauds Defense Department Efforts to Improve Financial Education of Armed Services and Civilian Employees

The Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Education today formally recognized the Department of Defense for its exemplary efforts to improve the financial knowledge and skills of the U.S. armed services personnel and the Department’s civilian employees.

"The Defense Department's Financial Readiness Campaign is a model program for financial education," said Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education Judy Chapa at a Treasury event launching the Defense Department’s campaign. “It contains the critical components necessary for a successful financial education program and we commend the Department for its efforts."

The Treasury Department’s Office of Financial Education, established in 2002, seeks to ensure that all Americans have access to financial education programs. The Office works to ensure that people can gain the practical knowledge and skills that they need to make informed financial choices throughout various life stages. It focuses on four key areas: basic savings, credit management, homeownership and retirement planning.

"A solid knowledge of financial management is one of the most important tools that we can give to all Americans, particularly our children, our retirees and our recent immigrants,” said Treasury Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Peter R. Fisher. “A successful financial education program is one that will produce measurable results, and ensure a better future for hard-working families."

The Office helps oversee Treasury’s financial education policymaking and coordinates financial education initiatives within the Department and all of its bureaus. The Office also works with many federal government agencies involved in financial education, and chairs the Federal Government Financial Education Coordinating Group. The Office, part of Treasury’s Office of Domestic Finance, is headed up by Deputy Assistant Secretary Judy Chapa.

More information about Treasury’s Office of Financial Education is available at
