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Children's Health: Schools, Emergency Planning, Resources

Disaster Preparedness for Schools
Resource List

Kids PictureThe National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities (NCEF) tracks key K–12 school facilities issues. One of NCEF’s resource lists relates to building or retrofitting schools to withstand natural disasters and terrorism, developing emergency preparedness plans, and using school buildings to shelter community members during emergencies. These resource lists are annotated bibliographies that include links to full-text publications and related Web sites, and descriptions of books, studies, reports, and journal articles.

The disaster preparedness for schools resource list is available from the ATSDR Web Site.

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Children, Terrorism, and Disasters
AAP Web Site

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has an area on its Web site ( the ATSDR Web Site. dedicated to children, terrorism, and disasters. The Web site helps pediatricians, parents, community leaders, and others prepare for and meet children’s needs during a disaster. Examples of information available include the following:

  • Family Readiness Kit: Preparing to Handle Disasters;
  • The Youngest Victims: Disaster Preparedness To Meet Children’s Needs; and
  • AAP resources, federal resources, and medical journal and report information on topics such as biological, chemical, and nuclear agents.

“The goal of this portion of the site is to ensure that every physician has access to comprehensive information, as well as breaking news, about emerging health care threats,” said Joseph Hagan, MD, FAAP, and AAP Task Force on Terrorism chair. The Web site addresses clinical questions and concerns of pediatricians and other health care providers on issues such as bioterrorism and chemical terrorism. It also provides guidance to families on how to communicate with children in the wake of a disaster.

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Free Resources: EPA's Smoke-Free Home Initiative

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is offering free materials and resources to organizations that focus on reducing children’s exposure to secondhand smoke. The materials and resources include public service announcements, educational magnets and posters, Smoke-Free Home Kit, and community action kits. EPA developed the materials to increase awareness of the Smoke-Free Home Initiative, which works toward making households healthier for children by reducing children’s exposure to secondhand smoke in the home.

For more information on the Smoke-Free Home Initiative or to order the free materials, contact Lou Witt at 202-564-9051 or at

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Health Topics on CDC Web Site

Visit CDC's health topics pages for more information specific to children and adolescents.

The health topic page relating to infants and children is at;Exiting the ATSDR Web Site. the page relating to adolescents and teens is at the ATSDR Web Site.

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Children's Health Web Site

Environmental Health Perspectives, the journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, now has a Web site devoted to the field of children’s health. The site provides more centralized access to all of EHP’s children’s health resources—including news articles and scientific research dating back to the 1970s—as well as links to outside organizations and information focused on children’s health.

EHP Logo

Access the site at the ATSDR Web Site.

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America's Children and the Environment

The U.S. Environmental Protec-tion Agency (EPA) has released the second report of America’s Children and the Environment: Measures of Contaminants, Body Burdens, and Illnesses. The report contains data on trends in environmental contaminants, concentration of contaminants in women and children, and childhood illnesses that may be related to environmental exposures.

For a copy of the report, go to the ATSDR Web Site.

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National Advisory Committee on Children and Terrorism

The objective of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's new National Advisory Committee on Children and Terrorism (NACCT) is to assess and provide recommendations for Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson on

  • the preparedness of the health care system to respond to bioterrorism as it relates to children.
  • needed changes to the health care and emergency medical service systems and emergency medical services protocols to meet the special needs of children.
  • changes, if necessary, to the National Strategic Stockpile under section 121 of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 to meet the emergency health security of children.

By June 6, 2003, this committee is charged with preparing a report to Secretary Thompson containing its recommendations and other information he requests.

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School Health Index

SHI LogoThe School Health Index for Physical Activity, Healthy Eating, and a Tobacco-Free Lifestyle is a self-assessment and planning tool that will enable schools to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their health promotion policies and programs; develop an action plan for improving student health; and involve teachers, parents, students, and the community in improving school policies and programs.

For a copy of the School Health Index, choose one of the following options:

  • request by phone: 1-888-231-6405, or
  • request by fax: 1-888-282-7681.

When ordering, please specify either the elementary school version or the middle school/high school version.

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This page last updated on October 24, 2003
Contact Name: Wilma López/

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