Water Resources of Nevada

Meteorological Instruments

The Sentinel Island, Virgin Basin, and Overton Arm Basin sites also are equipped with the following meteorological instruments:

  • RM Young 05106-5 wind speed and direction anemometer,
  • Li-COR LI200X Pyranometer (solar radiation sensor),
  • Vaisala PTB101B barometer, and
  • Vaisala HMP45C-L air temperature/relative humidity sensor

The CR10X that controls the profiling system and logs water-quality data also controls the meteorological instruments. Meteorological parameters are measured by the system every 1 minute and are averaged every hour. The data are downloaded to the USGS base station every 24 hours (along with water-quality data).

Photo of platform with descriptions of various instruments

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U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Contact: Nevada District Web Team
Last Modified: March 14, 2005
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