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Home >> U.S. Marshals: A Wide Range of Duties

  U.S. Marshals Perform a Wide Range of Duties        


U.S.  Marshals Fact Sheets:
(PDF versions)

General Information

Facts and Figures

Fugitive Investigations

Judicial Security

Prisoner Services

Operations Support

Witness Security

Asset Forfeiture

Justice Prisoner & Alien Transportation System

Fact Sheets - Español

General Information

Facts and Figures

Fugitive Investigations

Judicial Security

Prisoner Services

Operations Support

Witness Security

Asset Forfeiture

Justice Prisoner & Alien Transportation System



The United States Marshals Service is the nation’s oldest and most versatile federal law enforcement agency. Since 1789, federal marshals have served the nation through a variety of vital law enforcement activities. Ninety-four U.S. marshals, appointed by the president or the U.S. Attorney General, direct the activities of 94 district offices and personnel stationed at more than 350 locations throughout the 50 states, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Each district, and the District of Columbia Superior Court, is headed by a U.S. Marshal. The Marshals Service’s headquarters are located in the Washington, D.C. area.

The Marshals Service occupies a uniquely central position in the federal justice system. It is involved in virtually every federal law enforcement initiative. Approximately 4,800 deputy marshals and career employees perform the following nationwide, day-to-day missions.

  Click on thumbnail photos for enlarged views
Judicial and Courthouse Security
  Deputy U.S. Marshals can be found:
  • in court with defendants in custody;
  • protecting judges, prosecutors and witnesses;
  • conducting threat analyses and investigations;
  • conducting courtroom and courthouse security;
  • planning courthouse facility renovations;
  • managing courthouse security systems; and
  • conducting courthouse and residential security surveys.
Judicial Security  

Judicial Security

Judicial Security
Fugitive Apprehension
  Deputy U.S. Marshals can be found:
  • conducting domestic and international fugitive investigations;
  • working closely on fugitive task forces and special cases with local, state, Federal, and international law enforcement agencies
  • planning and implementing extraditions and deportations of fugitives;
  • conducting financial and technical surveillance on specific fugitive investigations; and
  • serving court papers, which is also known as service of process.

Fugitive Investigations

Fugitive Investigations, Arrest
 Fugitive Investigations, Arrest  
Prisoner Security and Transportation
  Deputy U.S. Marshals can be found:
  • fingerprinting all defendants in the Federal court system;
  • securing prisoners and defendants in custody in the cellblock,
  • transporting prisoners and defendants in custody between the jail and courthouse, between Federal judicial districts and states;
  • receiving prisoners from other federal law enforcement agencies;
  • providing prisoner housing and other services related to federal detainees; and
  • conducting jail inspections
Prisoner Transportation Prisoner Transportation, Walking Through Cellblock
  Prisoner Transportation, Entering Cell
Protection of Witnesses
  Deputy U.S. Marshals can be found:
  • protecting government witnesses;
  • producing protected witnesses for court proceedings, and
  • re-documenting and relocating protected witnesses.
DUSMs protecting a federal witness during court testimony
Asset Forfeiture
  Deputy U.S. Marshals can be found:
  • seizing, managing and disposing of forfeited assets.
DUSMs posting notice on Seized Motorhome Seized Weapons
Operations Support
  Deputy Marshals can be found:
  • performing security, rescue, and recovery activities for natural disasters and civil disturbances;
  • planning and implementing emergency operations including Continuity of Government activities;
  • performing audits and inspections of U.S. Marshals operations;
  • providing missile escort services;
  • providing protection for the Strategic National Stockpile; and
  • protecting Government Officials.
Natural Disaster Assistance Natural Disaster Assistance, Hurricane Katrina

DUSM and Explosive Detection Canine, Beacon

DUSMs providing Security at Olympics
Evacuating Katrina Victims Supporting Hurricane Katrina Relief Efforts

Marshals Star