The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Initiative. A multidisciplinary study of rapid climate change and future sea level.
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Education and Outreach

WAIS Education Initiative: Glacier!

Polar Research Community Education Outreach Resources

Teachers Experiencing Antarctica (TEA) archive

ARMADA Project - research and mentoring experiences for teachers K-12

(comments and additional links for these pages are very welcome!)

Related Science Programs

International Polar Year (IPY)



British Antarctic Survey

Antarctic Offshore Stratigraphy Project (ANTOSRAT)

Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASEP) Science and Implementation Plan (February 2002): PDF format or MSWord format

REmote Views and Exploration of Antarctic Lithosphere Workshop: Tools for mapping the last continental frontier (REVEAL)
(Report of meeting August 5-8, 2002; contact - Carol Finn)

Victoria Land Coastal Program (program description - .doc file; contact - Paul Berkman)

Icebergs of Y2K (draft of Science Planning suggestions - .pdf file; contact - Doug MacAyeal)


National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs

NASA Earth Sciences

National Snow and Ice Data Center

Byrd Polar Research Center (navigate their extensive Polar Pointers)

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Curator: Paul Przyborski