Lesson 3:

Subject:  Air

Objective:  The learner will explain how air moves, list some ways air moves, and explain air's effect on objects and how we know air moves.

Time:  Approximately 45 minutes


*Poem "Who Has Seen The Wind?" by Christina Rossetti

KWL form

Chart paper

Procedure:  * Poem may be used here to introduce the lesson

1. Ask students, "What do we know about Air?"

2. List all responses under the K (What we know) column (even those incorrect.)

3. With teacher direction ask "What do we want to know?"

4. List all responses under the W (What we want to learn) column. Teacher will elicit responses necessary.

5. Looking at information on chart, teacher will help students draw conclusions about definition of air.

6. Use a variety of resources to compare the published definitions with student definitions.

7. Closure:  Create a special place to write the definition of matter (learning log, science journal, bulletin board, etc.).

Evaluation:  Definition found in published documents will be written in student journals.

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