Lesson 12: Subject: Create your own plane.

Objective: The learner will create and or modify a plane to have the longest duration and/or flight distance.

Time: Approximately 45 minutes.




Paper clips


Stop Watch

Tape Measure


Science Lab Observation Form


1. Students will create and name their own plane for the longest duration and/or flight distance.

2. Students will record the flight and distance of each plane.

3. Students will repeat this activity for three flights.

4. Students, using calculators, will find the average of their three flights.

5. Teacher will graph the distance of each flight. (For Class graph)

Extension: Contest: Students will decorate their planes and display. Teacher or students will select the most creative.

Evaluation: The recorded information. Accuracy of averages and graphing.

Extension: Using a Computer graphing software program or spreadsheet, graph your results.

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Aircraft Range

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Responsible Official: Kathy.Zona@grc.nasa.gov