Lesson 11: Subject: Demonstrate Flight

Objective: The learner will measure the distance and duration of flight . The learner will compare and contrast the Blunt Nose and The Dart.

Approximate time: 45 minutes.


Pattern for the Blunt Nose

Paper (preferably stiff paper)


Stop Watch


Tape Measure


Science Lab Observation Form


1. Fold up one corner of a sheet of paper to the opposite side. Unfold the paper.

2. Fold up the other corner of the paper. Unfold it.

3. Fold up the bottom edge of the paper so that the crease goes through the spot where the first two creases cross. Unfold the paper.

4. Fold the paper along the creases like an accordion.

5. Fold down both corners of the pleat toward the center tip.

6. Fold up the two bottom points of the first layer of paper.

7. Fold up the bottom tip of the second layer of paper so that it covers the other points.

8. Now comes the tricky part. Look for the two pockets. Underneath these pockets are two, triangular flaps. Tuck these flaps into the pockets to hold them securely in place.

9. Turn the paper over. Fold both wing tips toward the center.

10. Fold out the edge of each wing.

11. Crease the center, front of the plane to give it a gentle, upward curve. You're ready to launch.

12. Predict what will happen when you launch the Blunt Nose. Use Science Lab Observation Form.

13. Launch the Blunt Nose. How long does the Blunt Nose stay in the air? How far can you throw it?

14. Observe and record observations on the Science Lab Observation Form.

15. Teacher will elicit discussion as to how planes can be altered. What effect will each variable have on the flight of the plane?

16. Allow flight time with variables and have students record their new observation.

17 Closure: Discuss what changes were made and what effect they had on the flight time and distance. Compare and contrast the Blunt Nose and The Dart .

Math Extension: Graph flight results of the two planes. Write a paragraph to interpret the graph. Use a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the flights of the two planes.

Evaluation: Information found on the Science Lab Observation Form and graph regarding duration and distance of flights.

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